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FX Noob Question


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[b]FX Noob Question[/b]

I've been playing bass for many years, yet I'm a total FX Noob, so forgive me if this comes over as a silly question, but...

I'm using a BDI-21 as a pre, and am very happy with it. For some numbers in our set I need a bit more grit though, and it's a bit hit-and-miss changing the parameters on the fly*, so I was thinking...

Seeing as they are so 'affordable' ;) what is stopping me from getting a second BDI-21, setting up the amount of filth I want on that, and stomping on it when needed?

Are there any problems or pitfalls I'm likely to encounter?

I thank you. :hi:

* Insert 'fly' joke here.

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[quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1343221897' post='1747261']
If you're happy with the tones you get from your unit, and they really are cheap little beggars, there's no problem having 2 in series then switching between them.[/quote]

Thanks very much Al, that's all I needed to know, really! Any other comments, gentlemen..? :)

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[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1343222923' post='1747285']
You probably knew that, so, yeh, go for it![/quote]

What if I run them both together but have zero EQ dialled in on the second one, just drive and level?
Would that work? :)

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[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1343224178' post='1747303']
...well, if the frequency response of the pedal with "zero EQ" is actually flat, yeh, but I doubt it is! You could probably mess with the EQ until you were happy anyway...[/quote]

Cheers Tom. :hi: Obviously I need to buy another BDI-21 and [s]waste a load of time fiddling mindlessly with the knobs[/s]* carry out extensive research on my 'tone' ;)

*Insert 'knob' joke here.

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I'd try a different pedal with it, otherwise you'll get extra mid scoop. Most if not all über cheap drive pedals sound great combined with a Sansamp/BDI21. First things that come to mind are Marshall Jackhammer, Ashdown Lomenzo Hyperdrive, any kind of Rat, and even the Boss ODB3! Try and borrow a few if you can

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[quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1343226548' post='1747357']
Most if not all über cheap drive pedals sound great combined with a Sansamp/BDI21... ...Marshall Jackhammer, Ashdown Lomenzo Hyperdrive, any kind of Rat, and even the Boss ODB3![/quote]

Thanks for this. I did try a Rat only recently and suddenly seemed to be missing a big shedful of bottom end for some reason. What did I do wrong?

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Stumbled across this searching for cheapo filth FX... Anyone know anything about GLX..?


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GLX are cheap Boss clones, (allegedly from the same factory....) I have a couple (eq + limiter) and they are great for £35, built really strong, well worth a buy if you're unsure about shelling out more bucks for a boutique or big name pedal. Dangleberry have been tradig these via ebay for a few years now.

Edited by Al Heeley
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GLX are fairly well regarding boss copies I think

If you're going to use another pedal in combination with the BDI 21 it might be best to use an EQ pedal, which you could use to drive the BDI into more dirty territory

what Chrismuzz says is spot on - what I was talking about the natural colouration of the pedals combining. If the pedal has a mid-scoop even with the EQ flat, then two in combination will have twice the mid scoop, even if it's flat. After looking it doesn't seem, there's a mid control for you to add that back in

But really, if you love the sound you're getting with a bit of extra gain, why not just get another? If you want to switch between them quickly you could use another pedal like an LS-2 to do that

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[quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1343228264' post='1747400']
How about dialling in the BDI21 for the higher level of gain, and just playing a bit gentler when you'd don't need all the grit?

Although this works great on guitar, i've always found that to use this approach on bass you need a load of compression after the dirt pedal to maintain a consistent level of low end. Not a problem for me - I like the compressed sound - but might be a problem for the OP

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No, I don't like any compression whatsoever.
And the BDI isn't really sensitive enough to do this with any sort of control... good idea, though. :)

I think there's a Catalinbread pedal that does this trick... the SFT. But it's 145 notes or thereabouts...


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[quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1343228264' post='1747400']
How about dialling in the BDI21 for the higher level of gain, and just playing a bit gentler when you'd don't need all the grit?

What? and just have one dirtbox? Sort yourself out man! ;)

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MXR super clean boost should do it. I have an MXR with overdrive and boost in it, when it needs to go a bit dirtier I step on the boosty bit (and get blinded by the brightest blue LED you ever did see) for a bit more gain.
I should probably add that I use this for guitars, not basses, so this is probably no help at all
(pedals on a bass?!?!? you'll be wanting more than 4 strings next you freak... :) )

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343229335' post='1747427']
I think one dirtbox is about right, isn't it..? :lol:

lol, I had been saying "dirtbox" to mean distortion pedal for years before I realised what I was saying

probably another dirt box is the right idea - one that doesn't really mess with your tone but does add some more grit

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[quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1343231353' post='1747476']
Would it be easier just to get a programmable Sansamp BDDI?[/quote]

No doubt! But I'm trying to find an 'affordable' solution before I have to go getting the old whelk stall out again... ;)

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[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1343231970' post='1747490']
...probably another dirt box is the right idea - one that doesn't really mess with your tone but does add some more grit...[/quote]

Very good. Do you happen to know of such a device..? :)

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it's quite subjective really. I have this pedal which is a clone of the "way huge red llama". It seems to be considered a fuzz pedal, but I tend to use it for the lower gain settings which are just like a light overdrive (as opposed to fuzz). Out of all the dirt boxes i've tried, this one is the most "transparent". No low end loss, no mid cut.

again, it could be how it reacts to my basses or my playing style or whatever. It'd be good if you could get to a shop and try out some for yourself.

Another thought - Once I thought I wanted more drive from a dirt pedal, but actually I was getting enough, I just needed to boost those dirty frequencies more with EQ, so rather than using a pedal in front of the dirt box to boost it into higher gain, I used an EQ pedal after the dirt box to give me the impression of higher gain.

Much of this will make little sense as i'm rambling at light-speed... yours is the last task of the day before I get the f*** out of this swealtering offce. Ta ta!

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343229335' post='1747427']
I think one dirtbox is about right, isn't it..? :lol:

Nah; Wooly Mammoth, Russian Big Muff and DHA VT1EQ. I've got a couple of others that aren't on the board right now, but you never know.

I've only got one rectum though.

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[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1343230598' post='1747456']
...pedals on a bass?!?!? You'll be wanting more than 4 strings next you freak...[/quote]

I know, I know. I've resisted FX for nearly forty years.
I don't want more than 4 strings though, that's going too far! :D

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