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ABEL ARCHERour new single (got my bass nice n dirrrrty! )


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Hey folks please have a listen to our new single (it's not yet been mastered)
just wanted to show my wonderful bass tone (wouldn't change what i use ,unless i were a rich man).The bass was recorded from mic's on cab ( so my sound ).
All i use is a old mkvi xp 400w head (about £150 ) ran fairly flat with the deep and bright punch buttons engaged,and a tech 21 vt bass as my pre.
cab wise i use a svt 6x10
bass is a tokai hardpuncher ( with seymore duncan 1/4 pounders )
and a cheap (yet amazing,best for me ) digitech bad monkey od.

let us know what you think please :-) [attachment=114264:Whys & Wherefores 120724 d.mp3]


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