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[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1343899452' post='1756903']
You could try my own Patented approach to self-motivation. It worked for me to give up smoking - a very different issue, granted - but I'm sure it's transferable.

I call it the "Don't be so f*cking weak and just do it" method.

Seriously. Get angry with yourself. Switch off the telly, pick up your bass (or put down your cigarettes in my case) and just do it. You'll feel good for making a positive change in your life and it'll get easier the more you do it, especially when you start to see improvements to your playing (or health as it was for me).[/quote]

The above might sound trite but in my case that's what I had to do too. When I went to the doctor to say I thought I was depressed he put me on some pills - I can't remember what they were but they were like an opiate or something, I took the first one and curled up into a warm, fuzzy ball and fell asleep. I threw the rest away.

At that point I decided if I wasn't going to do the medication I would just have to try to snap out of it myself. And I do still have days where I can't get motivated to do anything, and days when I'm really enthusiastic about something but when I get around to it I'm no longer interested. I know what you mean with that stuff. But like the poster above, half the time I manage to get off my arse and force myself to do something, and I almost always feel better as a result.

Sorry I can't be more helpful I do sympathise though.


In my experience anti depressants are great IF they are used to get someone to a place they can attend therapy and work on what the real issue is. I also don't hold with traditional long drawn out therapy techniques. I've seen dramatic improvements in my own mind with NLP and the like. Depression is no joke, we burried a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago because he took his own life.


thanks for all the advice guys....
think i might go down the lesson route to get a bit more motivated,hopefully i can find a decent teacher and pay for lessons in advance that way i know ill go cos im a tight sod and dont like wasting money :P
the music/project direction im in at the moment is doom metal type i suppose that dont help my mood
i was listening to transatlantic on the way to work this morning with petes bass ringing in my ears i have been humming the songs all morning
i never do that
maybe its time for a change


[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1343858172' post='1756588']
If you set yourself too big a goal and don't meet it, you'll be back at square one.

Set yourself lots of [b]little[/b] goals, the culmination being ready to record these tracks in September.
[quote name='seashell' timestamp='1343863274' post='1756683']
When I first started a friend of mine advised me to pick up the bass once a day and play it for at least 15 mins. So if you dont think you've got the time or energy to do any more you can tell tyourself 'well its only 15 mins, then I'll have a rest/do something else'. I find that 15 mins nearly always turns into an hour before I realise it.

2 x +1s

Picking up Shell's 15-minute idea, going back and doing it every day is the key. And try not to beat yourself up if you don't make it to 15. Maybe you pick up the bass, play a minute of warm-ups, tell yourself it's all pointless and go and hide under the duvet. OK. Go back the next day and do it again.

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett

“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.” - F Scott Fitzgerald


[quote name='christhammer666' timestamp='1343905760' post='1757065']
the music/project direction im in at the moment is doom metal type i suppose that dont help my mood
i was listening to transatlantic on the way to work this morning with petes bass ringing in my ears i have been humming the songs all morning
i never do that
maybe its time for a change

Playing basslines from different genres will really expand your musical possibilities, some things I used to do when I was primarily a rock bass player:

Soul, Disco and Funk lines - there's a thread on Basschat listing some top grooves, they're often challenging but more importantly fun to play
Play Slap and funk lines, but with a pick - all those octaves really improve your string skipping
Reggae and Ska - again, great fun to play

The more diverse the music you listen to and play, the quicker you'll find your own voice on the instrument.


[quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1343903575' post='1757005']
As for the OP.....the majority of replies seem to be saying set goals and keep playing....easy if you are not stuck inside your own head with depression.....

Ahh, somebody who actually knows what he's talking about - well done to you.

I cannot believe some of the ignorant, offensive bollocks I'm reading on this thread: "Don't be so f***ing weak & just do it" - what a great bit of advice for somebody who suffers with chronic depression.
If you think people with depression could just "stop being f***ing weak & just do it" don't you think we would?
Even with medication to help alleviate the worst of it depression has ruined both mine & countless other peoples lives & to hear people come out with vacuous sh*t like this makes me so f***ing angry.

"Weak"? You have no idea of the strength & force of will it takes just to get through another f***ing day when you are a chronic depressive.

It's no wonder mental health conditions still have so much stigma attached to them when there is so much stupidity & ignorance like this around.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1343908708' post='1757133']If you think people with depression could just "stop being f***ing weak & just do it" don't you think we would?... ..."Weak"? You have no idea of the strength & force of will it takes just to get through another f***ing day when you are a chronic depressive.[/quote]

Sadly, this is true. Depression is not an emotion, or a state of mind - it's an illness. Saying 'snap out of it' shows you've never experienced true depression, you can't possibly imagine what it's like and you don't understand it.

Edited by discreet

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343909289' post='1757146']
Sadly, this is true. Depression is not an emotion, or a state of mind - it's an illness. Saying 'snap out of it' shows you've never experienced true depression, you can't possibly imagine what it's like and you don't understand it.

very true. I love playing bass, and often do it everyday, but sometimes I can't even muster the strength to get out of bed, let alone get all my bass gear out and play.

My advice would be to start slowly, 5-10 minutes may not seem like much, but it can make a world of difference. Try setting yourself small goals, maybe something as simple as just playing along to a certain song, and gradually build from there.

Stick at it, and do your best :)


I think Billy Bob Thornton described using his own bloodymindedness, in conjunction with the depression, to "bottom himself out" or somesuch; in any case, it was either a mix of Hollywood claptrap or an astounding piece of mental discipline, in the face of a chemical/body state which would have run directly counter.

Certainly not an approach for all, I would contend. I don't know anyone who has "snapped out of it".

I like the idea of the 5-10 mins a day as discpline, mind. I've never had depression, but I did have anxiety - and, with the safety net of the medication, I would try and go outside of my comfort zone. Sometimes in yards, sometimes in minutes; but it seemed a good complement to the more usual medical treatments. I won't describe it as "positive" - as, one, that might be the wrong terminology for the depressives; and, two, it didn't feel very positive at the time! It requires a significant amount of will; but it might offer some insights.

I'll admit, I was a little sceptical at the ability to simply combat my own condition via medicine. The primary purpose of many GPs is in the management of symptoms, predominantly pain. So much of medical care is based around that core. You may find pills mitigate some of the symptoms you find; but I would trust you've had medical opinion around what might be best to address the issue more fundamentally, even if only in part.

Might be worth discussing with your GP, in seeking a referral if it is becoming a more significant issue. Some great suggestions above - might be worth bouncing them off someone :)


[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1343908708' post='1757133']I cannot believe some of the ignorant, offensive bollocks I'm reading on this thread: "Don't be so f***ing weak & just do it" - what a great bit of advice for somebody who suffers with chronic depression.[/quote]

I think you're getting the wrong end of the stick.

I didn't post this as being sound advice for everybody; I posted it in the context of what works for me personally.

"Don't be so f*cking weak and just do it" has been my personal mantra on a number of occasions in life - including some very dark times dealing with the death of loved ones. It's my inner sergeant major giving me a pep talk at times when I need a jolt to the system, not sympathy.

I'm certainly not suggesting that the OP or anyone suffering from depression is "weak". I'm just offering my take on how to deal with life's downs.

Apologies if it's angered you or anyone else - certainly not my intention. On re-reading my post I can see how it comes across as being flippant, when it was intended as being more of a 'call to arms', so to speak. The OP asked for a 'spark plug up his bum'... I took this as meaning he wanted ideas to help motivate himself, and getting angry with my inner id is how I do just that.

To be clear: "Don't be so weak and just do it" is MY personal spark plug up the ass - not my view on depression per se.

Posted (edited)

If I don't play bass for three hours a day I get very edgy, so it's useful therapy that works very well for me.
Mind you, it depresses the crap out of the current mrs discreet... so what's not to like?? :lol:

Edited by discreet

half the time my mrs is out doing am-dram so have all the time in the world to practise would love to play for 3 hours a day lol
so have spent my lunch watching the john myung fixed camera instrumedley from budokon its made me itch to play tonight (the bass ahem)
will keep you posted :ph34r:
thanks for again for all the advice
i love you all long time

Posted (edited)

It's definitely motivational to have something to work towards that's time-dependent. If you've got a project on the go, then that's great. I'm currently working on two one-hour rock sets. Everyone else in the band is very much on-it playing wise, so I know if I turn up having not put enough time in and am responsible for it all going tits-up, I'm really going to regret it!

[quote name='christhammer666' timestamp='1343912838' post='1757217']...will keep you posted :ph34r: ...thanks for again for all the advice... i love you all long time[/quote]

Steady on, old chap. :D

Edited by discreet

[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1343912254' post='1757207']
To be clear: "Don't be so weak and just do it" is MY personal spark plug up the ass - not my view on depression per se.

I think that's a fair comment, chief. Good to know it's worked for you :)


[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1343912254' post='1757207']I'm certainly not suggesting that the OP or anyone suffering from depression is "weak". I'm just offering my take on how to deal with life's downs.[/quote]

FWIW I understood your original post and that's why I agreed with it. So I suppose to be clear: I wasn't calling anyone suffering from depression 'weak' either. I know it's a debilitating illness and the NHS aren't very good at treating it.


[quote name='christhammer666' timestamp='1343905760' post='1757065']
the music/project direction im in at the moment is doom metal type i suppose that dont help my mood

Long ago, I studied some music therapy. One of the principles is that one should avoid happy music at all cost in the beginning, if music is to be a tool. The mismatch with the mood makes it counterindicated.

BTW, having suffered from depression my whole life, or as long as I can remember, I sympathise with and understand your story to some degree. Me too, I've done the gear buying thing: "But if I have a recorder and start recording my compositions and my playing, I'll surely play a lot more, and get out of the depression that way! Yeah!"
I have sold, or hopefully am soon selling, every bit of gear (recording stuff, synths, guitar even) with the exception of the bass related stuff. I cannot live with the thought of one day missing my basses - and that day is sure to come if I sell. YMMV of course.

Best of luck!


[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1343920499' post='1757373']
^^ Cheers folks.

It's a tricky subject for obvious reasons.

In hindsight I should have trodden more carefully. Hopefully no harm done.

I never read it as offensive, but it is very easy to read things not how they are intended. The Mrs does it all the time with texts!


[quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1343917814' post='1757312']
I know it's a debilitating illness and the NHS aren't very good at treating it.

Seems to be very much a pot-luck situation, depending on how enlightened or sympathetic a GP you have. Problem is if you don't get the advice you need you have very little motivation in seeking it out.
Many diagnoses of depression are actually for chronic anxiety. A doctor told me the difference is that a true depression sufferer would probably miss their first few appointments because they lacked the motivation to leave the house for them.


[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1343943837' post='1757784']
a true depression sufferer would probably miss their first few appointments because they lacked the motivation to leave the house for them.

Ha! That's me. But I feel sure it's not about lack of motivation, but about the lack of ability to adapt to, or even remember, new routines.



[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343940908' post='1757750']

Two things are certain, death and texes.

...and taxis, so that's three.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1343940908' post='1757750']

Two things are certain, death and texes.

I'm an immortal pirate, arrrrr

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