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Guest MoJo

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This is the last of my BB414's. I've had several over the last few years and have had no problem using them as my main gigging bass. They punch well above their weight. The neck pick-up produces a better precision tone than many precisions I have owned (with the possible exception of my CIJ). Lovely neck on these basses, somewhere between a jazz and a precision. Very comfortable / easy to play. My battered old Stingray has now taken on the mantle of 'the-go-to' now so I'd like someone to get the use out of this. It has been a gigging bass so, does have surface scuffs and a few minor dinks. There are also some cracks in the paint / lacquer emanating from the pick-up surround screws. The price reflects it's condition. A bargain at £120 + shipping. No case but it will be well protected during transit

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You really can't go wrong with one of these. I have owned a BB614 and currently have an older BB300.

They're fantastic to play with comfy necks that will offend neither those with preferences for half baseball bats (me) or skinny Jazz aficionados, and sound great. And with the matching headstock too - all round nice looking bass. And all for £120? Just get in there before someone else does.

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