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Bob Birch - RIP


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Dunno if anyone has seen this, or mentioned it on here yet, but I thought it deserved something.


Poor sod - I'm not a particular Elton fan but sincerely, these sidemen are unsung heroes in my book.

I've noticed this guy and his similarly be-mulleted chums backing EJ on his tv appearances and he just seemed to be doing a damn fine, professional job whilst appearing to still get a real joy from what he's doing. Judging by the comment from the tiara'd one, it appears he agrees: this guy's played for him for twenty years without 'a single bad note'.

To be honest I personally can't recall much of the original material from this period, but replicating some fantastic back-catalogue bass parts, whilst singing bv's, impeccably, for twenty years... Well, hats off to you fella! I think such a tragic loss deserves a mention even if it's not your average 'bass hero'.

Bob, may you rest in peace.

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Blimey - just seen the news that Bob Babbitt died last month too. A few of those great Motown basslines we attribute to Jamerson were actually played by this guy - I guess at least he got some real credit during his lifetime, what with the funk brothers movie a few years back, whilst Jamerson died in relative obscurity.

Plus Duck a couple of months back. So far - a sad year for the bass family. :(

Edited by sime17
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