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On No! Not Another "I've Quit the Band" Thread


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[quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1345826855' post='1782147']
I'm quite lucky that my wife likes being married to a musician :)

She often posts things on facebook like 'I'm sleeping with the bass player after the gig tonight!'

Just need to work out what band he's in and give him a slap lol

Brilliant made my day :lol:

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mate, its like every other relationship in your life, an important part of it is knowing when to walk away .. i quit two years back, 50 years old, been gigging since the seventies, sick of roadying justbecause i got the van (self employed builder) pissed of with missing bike rallies because of weekend gigs etc etc all the usual i guess. sold everything or gave it away, and i mean everything..
anyhoo, really enjoyed not playing regular anymore, rested, chilled, watched other bands loving it that i wouldnt have to pack away at the end of the night, listened to new stuff, met up with the lads a coupla weeks back, cobbled a rig/bass together, did a one off gig last saturday, had a proper good un, enjoyed it just like the early days. wont gig regular again but we will do the odd one every now and then, and that really is enough now. enjoy having a break mate and just see what happens..

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  • 2 months later...

Well, time for an update.

After 2 months of mainly dealing with idiots and timewasters, I've finally found a band again. I answered the add last week and got given 4 of their original tunes to learn, plus 2 covers. Went to the audition tonight and I'm in. Bands currently going through a name change at the mo.

5 piece band who can play, with good gear and nice guys to boot, so I'm really chuffed as this bands right up my street. The singer is excellent and their tunes really grow on you, it's rock stuff, but I'm really looking forward to working with them.

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John, where did you find out about the band? I've been looking for this type of thing for a few months around Notts/Derbyshire but don't recall seeing an ad that fits your band's description. Just checking if there is somewhere else I should be looking.

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[quote name='KevB' timestamp='1351674696' post='1853921']
John, where did you find out about the band? I've been looking for this type of thing for a few months around Notts/Derbyshire but don't recall seeing an ad that fits your band's description. Just checking if there is somewhere else I should be looking.

Kev, I found them on Musofinder, I think they had also been on Partysounds.

I'll give my old band a call tonight to see if they got a replacement and let you know if they need someone.

I'm really chuffed with the new band. The originals they do are very good, and they told me to play whatever bass parts I want on them and not to worry about the original parts.

At the end of the night the singer said he thought they had now gone up another level and was very happy with what I'd done in only the first get together with them. They have just sent me through the full set list, so I'm going to get stuck into those ready for next week. really looking forward to it.

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You have to realise when you are in the rut.... so changing things around is the least you should do after 18 months or so..

same old, same old is not good...for anyone..IMO so a fresh adventure should be applauded.

Sometimes I think bands keep going because it is hard to find something else...but that is the worse reason to keep doing it, IMO

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[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1345828649' post='1782197']
If it isn't working, then it isn't working,
The worst bands are the ones that stick togther out of habit and comfort.
If the band isn't moving forward in some small way, it is time for that band to cease...but then
it is also a business to some so ...???

I think bands have a finite life but not many recognise this..or want to.

You've just described my last marriage! lol

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