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Blister help


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Yesterday, I was playing for about 5 hours, and was doing lots of songs that needed slides

(I was playing my fretted not my fretless)

I stopped playing and saw I had a blister on my third finger.

This morning it has burst and broken off leaving a sore bit of finger.

Well, I want to continue playing today and tomorrow, what can I do?

Do I just cope with the pain? Shall I put a plaster on it? I've heard about a superglue coat, but I'm a clumsy sod and will probably end up in casualty having stuck all my fingers together.

Tips appreciated!

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By third finger I take it you mean ring finger? If that's the case, as RhysP says, use it as an excuse to use the other fingers. You can use a double bass technique which involves leaving out the ring finger from playing. Means you don't have as big a stretch and can be used on electric just as effectively. I play that way all the time. Adapt and survive.

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It is the ring finger, I do use my little finger a lot as I haven't got the biggest hands. Howev, when slides are required I find that it's only my second and ring finger that have the strength to do the slides.

Shall try a combined approach of plaster and other finger use I think.

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I'd play through the pain and not put a plaster on it just because a plaster will keep it moist and it won't heal as fast. If it becomes too painful I'd just try not to use that finger as much. It won't stay sore for long if you can resist the urge to pick at it haha

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I ripped the tip of my plucking hand middle finger on the sharp pole pieces mid-gig once. I thought it was a blister and then the string felt wet, so I assumed it had burst. When I moved to a 'dry' section of string, it was agonising! I carried on using my 1st and 3rd fingers for the rest of the gig and it was only when the lights went on that I saw the bass was spattered with blood and there was a chunk of skin flapping loose! Took a bit of time to heal, that one, so I'd put a plaster on and then duck tape it.

Good job I was using flats - the pole pieces were later filed.

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