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String to fret bounce !


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Would appreciate some advice please in resolving my cr4p playing technique !

I normally play simple bluesy / rock style bass, mostly with two fingers or with a plek if a bit faster.

I've just joined a 80's Metal band (Iron Maiden - Saxon style) which requires a hard driving finger style technique.
The speed part of it is coming along ok, but it sounds cr4p !!

I'm getting loads of noise from the strings bouncing off the frets further up the neck as I play.
The action on my basses have always been set quite low and dropping the tuning to Eb is probably not helping matters.

What would be my best route to improve this. Would I need to raise the action ? change the string gauge ?

I dont really want to tamper with my main basses, but would consider obtaining some other guitars for this project if needed.

Cheers :)

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If tuning lower, youd want to marginally loosen the truss rod to have the same slight curve in the neck that you're used to.

With regards to fret noise, a lot of players actually make that part of their sound... I do! And I play a bit harder to make it more consistent. If you genuinely want to avoid it though, your options are to raise the action at the bridge, or to practice a softer plucking technique.

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chrismuzz has a point. When I played in rock bands years ago I purposely made sure that I had a bit of fret buzz to get a more aggressive sounding tone and I absolutely battered the strings when I plucked. It's important that your string action is not too low whereby the strings bottom out on the frets and choke. It will sound like you are playing a bass sitar!

If you are not sure how to set up your neck for lower tunings you can always take it to a tech and explain what style of music you want to play the bass for. They will have a pretty good idea how to set it up for you judging on your playing technique.

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