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Fender American Standard Jazz Bass Black S-1 Switch, Hard Case £300. I sent a messgae to him to say he's selling it too cheaply and to sell it on basschat instead at a decent price but no answer yet.



[quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1347644401' post='1803621']
He's a she. Sent me a text asking I correspond via email. Have done twice now. No response.....holding breath......can't keep holding breath......

Watch out. When somethings too good to be true............it usually is.


as is this !!!!!!!

My rule is at base level... if buying unseen DONT buy from anyone unless they can provide a LANDLINE phone number you can call them on thats linkable to an address.

Posted (edited)

[color=#222222][size=3][b]Helen Watson[/b][/size][/color] [/color]
[color=#777777]to me[/color]

[color=#222222]Hi , its in excellent condition, only selling cause my husband barely uses it nowadays..
Don't know if it's been long since you've emailed, I've been out so couldn't follow up on my text message. Can't promise anything but visiting my mum shortly, wouldn't mind making a drop off :)

If you'll send me your postcode I can check out on my satnav the distance to yours.

Reasonable price and accurate description, it's worth the money, no bad surprises. I won't go any lower.
Can be reached on (079) 7342-5052 low signal strength area :( but check emails regularly.
P.S. Will take cash only.


I'm a cynical 845tard normally but this seems genuine...after all she's offering to drop it off and she's not asking for my bank/paypal details..

Edited by TheGreek
Posted (edited)

[quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1347986315' post='1807726']
[color=#222222][size=3][b]Helen Watson[/b][/size][/color] [/color]
[color=#777777]to me[/color]

[color=#222222]Hi , its in excellent condition, only selling cause my husband barely uses it nowadays..
Don't know if it's been long since you've emailed, I've been out so couldn't follow up on my text message. Can't promise anything but visiting my mum shortly, wouldn't mind making a drop off :)

If you'll send me your postcode I can check out on my satnav the distance to yours.

Reasonable price and accurate description, it's worth the money, no bad surprises. I won't go any lower.
Can be reached on (079) 7342-5052 low signal strength area :( but check emails regularly.
P.S. Will take cash only.


I'm a cynical 845tard normally but this seems genuine...after all she's offering to drop it off and she's not asking for my bank/paypal details..

Don't even think about it!!!!!! Google her email address [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] and you will find many stories about the others she/he has conned [url="https://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_nf=1&tok=3T8wQm2JC8fRP06qcer3LQ&cp=24&gs_id=2&xhr=t&q=helen75watson%40gmail.com&pf=p&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=helen75watson%40gmail.com+&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=a2b18ffccd5cdbc5&biw=1024&bih=611"]https://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_nf=1&tok=3T8wQm2JC8fRP06qcer3LQ&cp=24&gs_id=2&xhr=t&q=helen75watson%40gmail.com&pf=p&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=helen75watson%40gmail.com+&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=a2b18ffccd5cdbc5&biw=1024&bih=611[/url]

Start with the paypal scam and then the gumtree scam and then the fake courier message scam etc etc etc.

You're just not cynical enough!

Edited by gjones

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