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expression pedal based low frequency bypass..I think?


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I am trying to emulate the filter factory lfo sweep in Uprising and City of delusion. I know I can get a FF for about £150-200 but in oder to control the sweep I would need a Voltage control expression pedal which I believe aren't cheap. At the moment I emulate the sound using a bi amp set up with the clean channel running quite a subby bass sound and the other channel running the effects needed to reproduce the fuzz..the effected channel runs through a line 6 pod xt pro and when I get to the relevant parts of the songs I use the volume pedal to mute the effected channel and just leave the clean and then feed the effected channel back in. It sounds ok live but it isn't right and it really bugs me....

I wondered if any of you guys knows of a pedal that I could use in line to either activate a sweep..from what I can tell the sweep would need to be about 15 seconds long from only the sub frequencies to the full sound, or that can be used with an expression pedal that doesn't cost the earth....Is this something that the Xerograph might be able to do? Obviously money is a factor as well but I'll start out with whether it is possible and what you guys think the best way of achieving it would be?

In an ideal world I would love a pedal with dual input and outputs where both channels are effected equally or i could choose which channel was effected....with an on/off switch and a pot that I could set to the desired length of time..stand on it to activate it and once the sweep was finished I could turn it off to return to bypass...Doubt such a thing exists but if you know anyone who might be able to make one for me I am all ears.

Try not to get too tecky with me....I am a simple boy at heart! But I would love your suggestions on a work around for this if you can think of one...
Cheers all

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If I've got what you're after right I would probably suggest going with either a Xerograph or Moog MF-101 with an expression pedal to cover what you want. Having a CV controlled LFO to cover the specific timing of it or triggering it will get a lot more expensive very fast, though it is still feasible using something like the Moog MP-201.

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oooooh I hate you guys!. :P ...Bloody love the Moog pedals and have been looking for an excuse to start buying some. Funnily enough I was next to their main office in Tewkesbury the other day and the guy I was with couldn't believe I didn't stop in for a look....not enough money in the bank to be tempted by all that loveliness I told him!.Just as well as it turns out that despite very similar logos it appears they are noting to do with each other...dodged a bullet there then! So....Best I get saving. As a matter of interest which expression pedal works well with it?


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I have been banging on about the Sonuus Wahoo to anyone who'll listen kind of for this reason. It has a lovely low pass filter sweep and has a built in pedal. Cool thing with the Wahoo is that you can tweak the filter response so that as you sweep with the pedal you can tailor the curve of the filter. Have a look at my thread about the wahoo as there is some video demos that may be useful.

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