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Fuzzrocious Dark Driving


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Hey all - does anybody happen to own a dark driving, that would also be happy to lend me one for a few days?? I quite like the sound of the thing, but am starting to get fed up with ordering pedals from the US and finding they don't do what I want.

Happy to swap any of my pedals for a few days in return.

Failing that, does anyone own one / have any experience of using one that could clarify a few things for me??

many thanks

Edited by GazWills
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Not too many Fuzzrocious over this side of the pond unfortunately.
There's a few Grey Staches on here (including mine), and Shep has a BDPG too, there's a Tremorslo floating about too, but never seen a Dark Driving.

Talk too Ry directly, sure he can help advise!.....and he's a dude!


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i recorded a little clip of it, JV precision into a bassman 135 (quite quietly though), running through a few settings. listening back to it, definitely annoyed i sold the thing :(


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Ahem... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187257-dha-compressor-fuzzrocious-ehx-bass-synth-t-rex-fuel-tank-psu-custom-tweed-pedal-board/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187257-dha-compressor-fuzzrocious-ehx-bass-synth-t-rex-fuel-tank-psu-custom-tweed-pedal-board/[/url]

Dark driving for sale (I don't have any affiliation with the seller)

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