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'Super Black' Fender MIJ Jazz JB62M 32" Medium Scale with Upgrades, SOLD.

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Posted (edited)

Hi all

Selling to fund GAS, which has come suddenly and severely. I'll have other basses I'll post soon too....

Up for sale is a rare Fender MIJ Jazz (model JB62M) in 32" medium scale. Specs as per Fender Japan's website - [url="http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://fenderjapan.co.jp/jb62m.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djb62m%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DKgC%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26prmd%3Dimvns&sa=X&ei=IfViULegNOS40QWj9oCgDg&ved=0CCUQ7gEwAA."]http://translate.goo...ed=0CCUQ7gEwAA.[/url]

I bought this as a backup to my other Fender MIJ 32" jazz, and as a project bass - essentially I wanted to make the bass as black as practically possible, saving repainting. Imported new from Ishibashi in January, sigh.

The upgrades are substantial, and include Hipshot Ultralight tuners, Dunlop straplocks, John East J-Retro Deluxe and side jack, Babicz bridge, nice new shiny black pickguard, and full control cavity shielding (conductive paint) done by my local tech. When the electrical work was done, I also had the tech route a dual battery compartment (the John East only needs 9V so one compartment isn't in use but is a nice place to store a spare battery).

Sounds like a good Jazz. Single coils remain in place. Fully working electronics. The strings need replaced as I've played out this set, but that should be pretty simple for any buyer. Excellent condition. One or two small dents on the back near battery compartment but no dings or scratches.

Comes with a Fender gig bag (came with the bass, not really used by me). Reasonable bag but I have others I use.

Pics are attached. I have put my Squier CV next to it to demonstrate the size difference as best as I can. As you can guess, super easy to play, very comfortable, a doddle for long sets!

Weight 8 lbs on the bathroom scale.

I had considered removing the upgrades and I may still do if I feel I could use them elsewhere. For now though, the bass will come with everything pictured.

You could do what I have done and import from Ishibashi, pay the import taxes, go for the upgrades, etc. The current cost of import would put you back around £900 or so after all taxes/duties/etc. Upgrades, well....you can do the math there. Sigh

A snip at[s] £850 shipped in the UK[/s] [s][color=#0000cd][b]Now on eBay.[/b][/color][/s] [b]SOLD[/b]. I am not interested in trades currently.

All best


Edited by funkle

Does the East pre have full pickup blending in passive mode? I presume the passive tone works in both passive and active modes.

I'm a recent convert to 32" and shorter due to an injury and I love the medium scales...long scale tone with short scale reach :)


I became a convert a couple of years back.

The J-Retro Deluxe doesn't have full pickup blending in passive mode - the front switch in passive swaps between the two pickups (front position) and the back pickup only (rear position). The passive tone knob works the same in both active and passive modes, a nice touch. See http://www.east-uk.com/ for more details though I can post more info if desired.


[quote name='funkle' timestamp='1348664639' post='1816625']
essentially I wanted to make the bass as black as practically possible

You nailed it! Lovely bass, I'm particularly taken with the bridge, might look for one of those myself.

Good luck with the sale!


Wow, didn't realise they did a medium scale light weight one . Is the neck a "modern" thin "c" shape or the old fat "U"?

Posted (edited)

[quote name='sunfish' timestamp='1349210869' post='1823465']
Wow, didn't realise they did a medium scale light weight one . Is the neck a "modern" thin "c" shape or the old fat "U"?

I'm not sure, entirely...it feels similar to my Squier CV Jazz neck (though a little slimmer) and a touch bigger front to back than my Dingwall Super Jazz neck. The Dingwall neck feels flatter - I guess a more modern 'C' shape. Does that help?

Edited by funkle
  • 3 weeks later...

Looks neat! Any sound clips available? What kind of strings are required on it?
I have a Kubicki 32" and their site says that the shorter scale length needs about 6% more mass in the strings.
What kind of string are available for this mode;


No sound clips, sorry. I use conventional long scale strings or medium scale strings as available. They all fit so the only thing I have to worry about is gauge. I like DR Lo Rider nickels the best; on this bass 100/80/65/45 works well though preferences will vary. I have a light touch. Some might prefer 105 and 85 for the E and A strings or heavier.


[quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1351249933' post='1849205']
If Status did a 32 inch replacement graphite neck I'd be all over that like a rash on a whore
Status (me thinks) has an option for 32" in the Mark King signature.
Never seen one but the rumour has it that Moses has a custom option for 32" in bass graphite necks.

  • 2 weeks later...

To sell stuff on BC, you have to put a price. This is not EVIL BAY. Please read the rules when you want to sell.

Ta very glad


[quote name='StephenFerguson' timestamp='1353477423' post='1874993']
Price was listed in the first post I think? I reckon hes just telling us its no longer up for sale here :)

What he said.

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