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FS Dean Czech Edge Improv 5 Custom ON HOLD!


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A really nice sounding and playing bass, which I'm told was made in the same factory that makes European Spectors. Not be confused with modern Dean Edges.
I like this a lot but it never comes out of its case so its time to go. £275 + collection gets it!

Thread here:[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179697-dean-bass-identification-pics-added/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url]

[attachment=119437:Dean Body.JPG]
[attachment=119438:Dean Front.JPG]
[attachment=119439:dean back.JPG]
[attachment=119441:Dean head BK.JPG]
[attachment=119442:Dean Neck.JPG]

Edited by Pinball
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