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My guitarist is trying to extend my interest into one of these, so I can flit from bass to rythym guitar parts. I believe its unlikley to happen, as I'd rather aim to be master of one trade as opposed to jack of all trades.

(I could maybe go for the idea of a twin neck)

However its an interesting insturment ..... so would this class as ERB or just an odd ball hybrid?



Does not say on the website what the tuning is so I'm guessing wild hybrid on the bassis that the bass starts at E. There was a guy using one of these on this weeks Later live show but the song was not repeated on the pre-recorded show so draw your own conclusions from that. I was not impressed.

Tell the guitarist to play the guitar parts or get a rhythm guitarist if you need one. Or play basslines that cover both but that can sound a bit sh*t cos its neither one thing or the other.


...Meanwhile, in other news, Police in the US are reporting a collision between a Dingwall, a Les Paul and a Chapman Stick...

Which I suppose means I reckon it's hybrid of some sort!


I wouldn't say it's an ERB, looks more like a guitar.

With an ERB it is possible to play rhythm guitar parts, but with this instrument I don't think you could play bass parts. Have a look at some of the ERB manufacturers and see how they compare to this.


B_F ..... I dont think he (my guitarist) was that serious! we play as a 2 piece (with drum machine) or we get a pet drummer occasionally.... I feel he is more interested for him as he loves odd quirky stuff that stretches him and with my 4 chord repetoire on 6 string I certainly dont think I'll be getting one.

7-S. I can see it doesnt conform to what we know as ERB but having never seen one before I wondered what the populace thought of it....

Judging by the response so far its a huge NIL POINTS from BC then.... :)


Or you might try [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-WIDE-NECK-ONE-NECK-GUITAR-AND-BASS-COMBO-2-JACKS_W0QQitemZ190219281851QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]one of these[/url].

Personally I think the Novax fanned-fret instrument is more in the spirit of a guitar with some added bass range.


It is more of a guitar hybrid.

They tend to be tuned E A D for bass and a d g b e for the guitar strings.

I used to own a [url="http://www.wlguitars.com"]Wes Lambe[/url] until early this year when I had to unfortunately sell it to fund myself through university. But i would recommend his work over novax as the build quality is excellent and at a much cheaper price.

I know as soon as I get some money again, I will be ordering another one.

I made a couple of videos in the short space of time I had mine (a bit ropey, but that's what you get when you don't practice much)
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSA2_ZCY9-g"]Chank - John Scofield[/url]
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvcfvSKP7Vg"]Giant Steps[/url]

This is the thread about the guy on jools holland: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=18511&hl=lambe"]Ken Pendergast[/url]

If you want to see someone who has a bit more chops on it, check out charlie hunter on youtube or his website.


[quote name='The Burpster' post='192006' date='May 5 2008, 07:40 AM']However its an interesting insturment ..... so would this class as ERB or just an odd ball hybrid?[/quote]
ERG, perhaps? Effectively a 5-string guitar and 3-string bass stuck together.

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