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Potential First Pedal Board


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Hi guys,

Thanks to sibobs chat and gas for a Tech21 XXL I'm now looking into going ahead and getting a board together. Currently thinking :

[attachment=119866:Potential Effects Rig.png]

Any thoughts? Am I doing anything dumb? :lol:

Finally... Am I best off attempting to build my own pedal board or buying out of the box as it were and any suggestions on powering this thing?

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4 pedals for now. And the clean blend will definitely come in handy as when that XXL is set it's going to be set to brutal!!!

It lost a little definition around there when I was playing quick stuff so I think the clean blend will really help :)

Any recommendations on what good power supplies there are?

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Should all fit on a pedaltrain mini.

I wonder why you think you need to bypass the chorus? I can only think that you'd like to turn the EQ and the XXL on and off at the same time?

Personally I don't think that it's worth having a looper on a pedal chain that small but maybe if you're thinking of expanding your setup eventually then it never hurts to have one!


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[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1349098171' post='1821723']
If you're going for very high gain with the XXL I can see the clean blend being useful. You would want the chorus un-blended as obviously you can set the "blend" on the pedal it's self.

Got it in one (well 2) :D

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I'm currently putting together a very similar pedalboard but with a Boss CEB-3 chrous. You're making a good choice with the XXL!

I was originally looking at the LS2, but instead decided on this looper from Bright Onion Pedals:

This way, not only can it go straight from distortion to chorus with just one switch, but you'll also be able to go straight to clean from either effect as well. It also doesn't require power (although if you do power it, the LEDs will light up).

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[quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1349107582' post='1821902']
Looks good! Distinct lack of compressor + tuner though ;)

TC RH450 ;)

Although I do have a korg tuner somewhere aswell :lol:

I like the spectracomp on the TC and lets face it, it does enough compressiony type stuff without even that lol. I wouldn't bother getting another compressor unless it was rackmounted tbh (and I'm not sure there's any room for a rack ontop of rs210's...)

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The only thing I can think of is the quality of the buffer in the Behringer chorus - wired up like that it would affect your tone all the time. I'd certainly recommend some sort of buffer on a board, but I reckon there are better quality (more tonally transparent) ones to have permanently in your signal chain. The Boss ones are usually very good, so why not put the chorus on the second loop from the LS2? You'll probably notice a difference in the sound.

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The second loop is the blended loop. I havn't heard a difference yet between having the chorus in the chain and not turn on (yet). It's probably going to be upgraded at somepoint but the behringer chorus (and I usually hate the brand) actually sounds pretty good for just "adding body" :D

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Hmm... am I best off getting a gigging generator/distributor?

Also think of housing the lot in something like this? http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/kinsman-large-pedalboard-case-1995-p.asp

Not worked out how many pedals could fit on this though...

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Saw a thread on here about making your own pedalboard and got thinking a bit. Then saw these in another post.

The first one is £39.70 and the second one is £49.98. Now at a tenners difference I'm thinking it's probably worth me getting the larger one and using the spare space as storage for cables and stuff instead of taking a gig bag for now. Plus if I catch the pedal bug then I have plenty of spare room.

Also thinking of going the gigrig generator/distributer route. It's not cheap but again, can expand it later

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Righteo ordered the case and this

Next up : patch cables

I'm thinking 0.15's should be ok except for the looping pedal bit (could be longer) any good sources? Being able to pick up a multipack would be great (I don't use ebay btw). Tried johnnyshreadfreak or whatever it's called and the multipack is out of stock :(

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