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Advice on set up please


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Hi, I have a chance to play with a mainly acoustic blues band so could use some advice .

What I have at the moment has been used at home and is transportable but not easy with my dodgy shoulder. I would have to carry and Ashdown Evo 2 300, Pearey BW 15" cab and a couple of basses. The cab is the heaviest item so my thoughts on solutions are:

1. Change to small Ashdown or similar combo but then that means I loose a lot of oomph!

2. Keep what I have and get a lighter (2nd hand good quality?) one and then replace amp later. I know that Orange do very compact 2x10 or 12's for example.

I'm on a budget initially of £200-300 so am thinking 2nd hand and think the 2nd option sounds more sensible, as it has more possibilities for the future.

Any advice on good value compact cabs? The Oranges or what alternatives should I consider?.

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If you can stretch your funds (sell your amp), have a look at the Markbass combos. Loads of volume from a small, light rig.
Like above, Barefaced would probably be my choice if going down the amp/cab route. Or build a BFM cab.

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For info I took the boring/cheap option and easy option ABM 115 cab. Although still bulky It passed the "carry test" and I can carry it with one hand and my good shoulder. That will tide me over until I'm famous and can buy the best kit! :D

Thanks for the advice

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