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Tanglewood Rebel 5K. Your thoughts and views?


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A guitarist friend of mine gave me his old Rebel 5K from when he had a go at bass years ago, the thing is knackered it will need new a new bridge, a rewire, new tuners and possibly new pickups. Is it worth me spending time and money on sorting it out? I am in the market for a backup 5 string so before I clutter my house up with yet another bass I thought I better find out if this one is worth saving.

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Yea I get you I am tempted to work on it as a project but I couldnt see myself using it long term. Basically its either have a go and do it back up and hope I like it or go for a Yamaha BB415 for £200 which I know I like. As both the Rebel 5K and the BB415 are P/J and passive could anyone compare the both for me?

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Yeh the Rebel does not hold any value, I sold a 4 string for £50 last year.

Although i have to say for the cash mine was a belter, It was well set up & looked after. so was a really nice bass to play, I sold it to a guitarist mate who just was on the look out for a cheap plank & he loves it more than his Encore fretless. so if looked after right it they can be a cracking bass.

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