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[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1350667177' post='1842107']
PLEASE NOTE: The last set of strings I let go in return for a donation resulted in the person I sent them to never sending any money to Ped.

As a result of this sh*tty piece of dishonesty I will not post the strings until I hear from Ped that a donation has been received.[/quote]

Out of interest (and optimism about human nature) How could one be sure? If you donate via paypal there's no way to link it back to a bc account...

Edited by topo morto
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Surely the geezer says he will donate a tenner from an email address, and then Ped's PP account shows a deposit from that email?

I think it's decent enough that the OP was letting something go for a donation to BC. There's plenty (including me) who would trouser the cash, no matter how small the amount. Props to RhysP

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[quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1350668449' post='1842135']
I think topo morto makes a fair point. :huh:

Methinks OP doth protesteth too much???

Not that it's anybodies business, but I was in pretty frequent contact with Ped who assured me over a period of time that he had received no donation from the person I sent the strings to in good faith.

What is your second comment meant to mean exactly? What are you accusing me of?

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I wasn't trying to challenge your story, sorry if it sounded like that. I was just thinking.... If donations ever need to be reconciled with bc users, then we should be clear who we are if we donate to make that process easier. On the other hand If there are so few donations that it's obvious that an amount from a particular user hasn't been received, then we all need to donate more!

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[quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1350671336' post='1842201']
I wasn't trying to challenge your story, sorry if it sounded like that.

Yes it f***ing well did sound like that, thanks.

I (or rather Ped, as the money was destined for him) got stitched up by a dishonest bastard on here once, and I just wanted to make sure that didn't happen again, not for my sake because I don't get any of the money anyway - what exactly was your problem with that?
Not only that, but as a result of you comment some other **** accuses me of "protesting too much", whatever the f*** that is supposed to mean.

Strings are in the bin now so nobody's a winner here are they? Well done you, a great afternoons work!

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[quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1350673978' post='1842254']
Strangest thread i've read today.

Nothing strange about it - I offered a brand new set of La Bella Deep Talkin' roundwound bass strings to any interested party if they'd make a £10 donation to Basschat, I even said I'd pay for the postage costs.

What then happens is a couple of miserable cynical bastards come along & question my motives for doing so, which really pisses me off & causes me to retract the offer.

Pretty simple really.

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[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1350675686' post='1842299']
Nothing strange about it - I offered a brand new set of La Bella Deep Talkin' roundwound bass strings to any interested party if they'd make a £10 donation to Basschat, I even said I'd pay for the postage costs.

What then happens is a couple of miserable cynical bastards come along & question my motives for doing so, which really pisses me off & causes me to retract the offer.

Pretty simple really.

Can I just confirm that it was Top Morto who originally offended you? Perhaps he genuinely didn't know if paypal was trackable/you were in contact with Ped.

But Ho hum :) I'm sure some binman will be very happy with the strings. :)

PS:- If you were that bothered about donating to BC - why not try and sell the strings for a teeny tiny amount? Then you could donate that money yourself...? Instead of just chucking them?

Whats done is done I guess :)

Edited by woodyratm
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[quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1350678831' post='1842338']
PS:- If you were that bothered about donating to BC - why not try and sell the strings for a teeny tiny amount? Then you could donate that money yourself...? Instead of just chucking them?

Because I don't have a Paypal account so that was the easiest way to do it.

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[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1350672370' post='1842222']
Yes it f***ing well did sound like that, thanks.

I (or rather Ped, as the money was destined for him) got stitched up by a dishonest bastard on here once, and I just wanted to make sure that didn't happen again, not for my sake because I don't get any of the money anyway - what exactly was your problem with that?

As I've said, there is no problem. I was really just wondering how you would have known that the guy stiffed you, given that paypal account details do not always give any clue who the BC user is, and that someone might donate a slightly different amount to that suggested (out of generosity, or trying to compensate for some fees that paypal might apply).

Of course there are a bunch of possible answers. It might be just that Ped saw no donation of the size asked. None of my business? OK, but it's interesting to get an idea how much people donate. Or maybe people generally mention who they are (on BC) when they donate, or you'd specifically asked the guy to do so? In that case, again it's interesting to know that people do that. Or it might be that the guy just said "Ha, I fooled you!"? If so, we might all want to know who it is!

Maybe it was a silly question, but I had no idea it would be interpreted as criticising your kind gesture. I'm sure the strings and the donation would still be appreciated. If you decide to put them up again I promise I'll stay out of the thread next time.

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