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Help playing with an injured left index finger?


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Right guys I have injured my finger (don't ask) and it has become painful to press down on the fret-board making some song difficult to play being it my strongest finger and I use it figure out wear to place my other fingers. If it was any other finger I would be okay even if it was my right index finger cause at least I could use a pick. Could anyone give some advice on what to do to help or just some exercises I could do for the time being. I need this as soon as possible as I'm going to band practice tomorrow so I need to resolve the situation. Any sort of help would be great.


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Well first up, if it's injured rest it or it will take miles longer to fix or you'll get long term issues.
If you really really really need to gig get some strapping tape from boots and some volterol. Strap it enough to support but not enough to restrict it. If it's really bad strap it to your first finger. Just because you can do this doesn't make it a good idea though ;)

Exercises depend on what you've done but there's loads on line you can look at - if it's just a practice just sit it out, the world won't end....

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Forget the band practice... it isn't worth a set-back if you have be ready for a gig soon.
I think you will have sprained the ligament and these need time and rest.
No shortcuts on that....as ligaments are very slow to heal... or, depending how you injued it..it could be broken...but that amounts to the same thing
as regards the healing process...they might splint it..

Ask a Dr as the detail here isn't enough to even guess..not that our speculation is any real prognosis

Edited by JTUK
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This problem appears to have several components.

1. To discover if it is ok to go on playing with the hand in it's current condition without significant risk of serious functional injury. If yes to playing, what to do for optimum healing and return to use.

2. If it is ok, how to play with the remaining three fingers until the idex finger comes back into use.

3. How to avoid re - traumatising the index finger while playing

If you can arrange it, a visit to a BAPAM practitioner would be the first choice. If not, a visit to a GP wouldn't hurt, maybe with a further referral to physio if appropriate.

Good luck with it ;)

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[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1351008445' post='1846155']
You'll need a medicine called Placebo. Get some help in the Off Topic forum. ;) :yarr: :ph34r:

Got my coat.

Nah, a healthy dose of Man Up is a lot more effective. :P

But you have my every sympathy. My left thumb lost an argument with a kitchen knife on Sunday night. Made practice last night quite interesting!

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[quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1351008843' post='1846165']
Nah, a healthy dose of Man Up is a lot more effective. :P

But you have my every sympathy. My left thumb lost an argument with a kitchen knife on Sunday night. Made practice last night quite interesting!

Yer! I'm a bit of wimp really and a hypercondriac as well! :D Well I had a bit of a argument with the cupboard in my bathroom to get mine minor injury but hey what I'm going do! :P

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