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Born again?


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Hi all, I'm Wayne. Used to play bass and guitar as a teenager (I thought it was playing at the time), been asked my my old high school friends if I wanted to pick it up again for a laugh, and maybe do some fun gigs, so I've been digging out what old gear I have left and trying to sort it out, and hunt down what I haven't got, oh and try to remember how to play. Or more likely start learning properly for the first time.

I have an old Aria pro 2 that has been in bits for about 10 years. It has 1 split humbucker, tone, volume and a toggle switch, but I couldn't figure out what the toggle was for (wiring came apart some time in the last 10 years), so have cut it out and wired it to what seems like standard (I am probably talking out of my ar*e here, let me know if I am).

Also have a Aria Pro 2 ZZB which was given to me about 8 years ago in a bit of a state, and I never really touched. The neck is bowed, so I have been playing around with the truss rod, and managed to get it a bit straighter, but daren't tighten it any more. The action is still a bit high, so I was going to adjust the bridge, but the allen keys are rusted solid, and heads are pretty much gone. If anyone knows where I can get one of these I would be amazed and very grateful.

Also just bought a Laney L50b on ebay, and about 5 minutes later was offered a Fender BXR 200 from a friend, so think I'll have that too.

In my teens I played a lot of Nirvana, Greenday, Iron Maiden, Black Sababth etc. Now in my early thirties it'll probably be the same stuff, with some Muse, Killswitch, etc thrown in. Have managed to learn Time Is Running Out this week, now I've just got to learn a few more. I haven't grown up very much :)

I'll probably be on here whenever I have a problem, which feels very selfish, but I have to admit I have very little spare time, own business and 3 gorgeous boys, so I have an excuse for not managing the whole community thing. Hope you all can forgive and help an idiot on his way...

Edited by bigrumblefish
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Hey Wayne,

Welcome to BC. You'll find people very helpful here, and you might even have to tidy the kitchen table so one of us can have a go at one of the Arias with his filthy and eager fingers.

Anyway, enjoy this GAS-inducing spot in the universe.


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