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I'm giving away free music... who want's some?

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Basically i did an ep for my band earlier this year, recorded mixed and everything by yours truly

im giving it away free, if you wan't it you can find it at this link http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2175335/Paper%20Soldiers%20-%20Free.zip

the songs are basically made up of 3 seperate recording sessions, but ive managed to pull them together to make some useable songs.

leave me some feedback


Hey Rob,

Free music's always a winner with me :)

I was getting shades of Can't Stop by the Chilli Peppers during the opening of 'Take Me Out' - in a good way. Nice track. Solid baseline, decent guitar chops and great vocal. Sounds like a full band at full tilt!

I really like 'Burn Forever', particularly when the guitar kicks in. There's a slightly miss-timed kick right before the change around 1:14 or so - not a big deal at all, but thought I'd mention it with the intention of being helpful, rather than just a picky b*****d! :P Love how this track builds from start to finish - you do a good job of keeping the mix in check when it gets busy too.

Very strong vocals on 'Right Where I Belong'. Nice drum work too.

'Over Me' is obviously the most raw of the bunch but I kinda like it because of that. Nice playing throughout and again, a strong vocal.

Anyway, cheers for sharing mate. There's definitely a thread of continuity running through these tracks in that they fit together nicely. I'd be very happy with them myself.

Great stuff!



cheers man, thanks for the kind words.

there are many issues with drums in there haha, ive moved about a lot of it to make it less out of time, but at the same time i wanted to keep it sounding a bit raw.

its a shame the band is sort of no more, but i registered the name when i started it, so im planning to release new music under the name

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