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[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353261577' post='1873003']
I think I might be top poster on BassChat over the next few weeks

Man! We're sorry about your pain, but do you have any feelings at all about [i]our[/i] pain??? :P

All the best with the wrist. Good healing!

At least it wasn't your right one, eh? ;)



All the best for a speedy recovery; there's nothing worse than looking at gear and not being able to play it.

OK, maybe scabies, but it's still pretty bad.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353263607' post='1873030']
I'd be glad to let you have it until the cast is removed Jose, shame your so far away, is there anyway you could get it?

wow, thanks for the offer! I was only joking... but I would take you up on that if I were near you, although only for a day. I'd be too worried to keep it more than that, in case something happened to it... you know, I may own instruments for 20 years without a problem whatsoever, but Murphy says the day I borrow one... my house will burn down or something ;)

Besides, I'm afraid it would make me really want one :lol:

Still, I'm touched by the offer. Thank you! :)


Ouch! I have broken both and it takes a while to get back to full strength and rotation.
After a bike crash a few years ago my right wrist looked like a bag of gravel on an x-ray and they had to re-break it twice to get it back into a reasonable shape. Seems to work fine now. It got me back into bass playing as I found it was excellent physio.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353325313' post='1873559']
The '79 has a few knocks anyway Jose and I know you would be careful with it.

where do you say you live, again? :P :lol:


Chin up dude... I'll be your driver for the geek meet and we'll make sure your new gear gets a good testing.

PS - the pricetag has put me off that Grinnall... :(


cheers dude : ) I will treat you to a Grinnall lol

update- CT scan has shown that the ball on the end of the big arm bone that holds your hand on has come off, going in tomorrow for an operation to bolt in back on again then a plate over the lot, might start learning a few Adam Clayton lines in a few weeks :)


That sounds horrible, thankfully you managed to extricate yourself before something worse transpired. Not sure if it's you fretting or plucking hand so make sure you keep playing what you can with that one if possible. At least these days they're keen for injuries to be made mobile and exercised ASAP so hopefully you won't be out of full on action for too long. Keep us posted.


My commiserations. I broke my ulna (two inches away from the wrist) a year ago and had a plate and six screws. Took me a few weeks to get rotation back but be patient, it gets better.


Ouch! Hope all goes well with the surgery, and here's to a quick and complete recovery.

And as (many) others have said, make sure sure you do your exercises - when I broke my wrist the other year, the worst bit was actually getting it moving for the first time after the cast came off!!! :o


Good luck with your surgery!

It sounds horrible, the description of the break etc... but it's also kind of cool, once you pass that point, thinking about the bones bolted on together. :lol:

The beginning of the bionic bass player!


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353353945' post='1874184']
I take no responsibility for people being as stupid as me :lol:

My God Pete, hope all goes well.

Yesterday I managed to cut through a live electric cable with a pair of plyers that I thought I'd made safe (the electric cable, not the pliers) the belt from the shock threw me off the steps I was standing on.got a sore arm and a bang on the head from the landing.
When it dawned on my wife what I'd done she burst into tears, then rapidly calmed down and gave me an almighty rollocking for being so stupid. It was nice to wake up this morning and feel alive


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353505606' post='1875317']
Just a quick update to say I'm alive and bolted up :)
Hurts quite a bit but I could be dead so just got to keep on going, my arm is huge!

Thanks again everyone and stay safe.

good to hear!

did you get them to insert some gadgets while they're at it?
blades like Wolverine maybe???

(just say yes, please, say yes! :lol:)


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353188127' post='1872655']
Just want the op ASAP , was tomorrow but not going to be for a few days now :(

eh f*** off? i've been waiting months to get my leg sorted. i'm not able to do a damn thing, and the farthest i am is "we will schedule an MRI scan, it will be a few weeks".


Sorry, i just got really annoyed when i read that for some reason. I didn't mean it personally, i am just fed up with waiting. But i hope you get sorted soon, and it doesn't effect your playing in future :) bad bit of luck that all the same. construction jobs are the most dangerous after all.


Well my hand was only held on by the small bone (ulna?) as the end of the big one (radius?) was blown clean off, the specialist operates from a different hospital on Tuesday's, I did it on Saturday so I presume they just decided it was better long term for the hand surgeon to do it yesterday rather than someone else doing it as an emergency on the Sunday as first planned. Everyone else having ops were clearly people that had been on waiting lists for weeks, the only downside (and I'm still very grateful to them) was that I'd say it was border line for the day surgery really, I think I should of been in overnight to be honest on a normal ward. As I said I am grateful for them slotting me in to the specialist surgeons schedule though and I'm much better now. My arm hurts like feck and is as big as a house though, that's not their fault though I electrocuted it all by myself!

Fingers crossed you will be sorted soon :)

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