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I don't like funk.

Oscar South

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[quote name='jakesbass' post='196725' date='May 11 2008, 09:41 PM']Funk is actually an adjective and not strictly accurate as a 'music' although it has come to be accepted as such. It was originally used to describe something that had a certain indescribable feeling, the word is in fact a description of dirty and smelly.
Many types of music can be funky.
I find it slightly surprising that the depth of feeling in funky music is not appreciated by all bass players.[/quote]

To my mind there's a world of difference between between 'funky' music and 'funk'.

'Funky' is an adjective - Level 42 can be funky. Jamiroquai can be funky. Slapping can be funky, but often isn't.

Funk can be considered as a 'music', as can 'jazz' or 'metal' (would the adjective be 'metally?)
I had an argument with a drummer a few years back when I said Tower of Power weren't a funk band. They're funky, but they're a soul/pop band. Stevie Wonder is funky as hell, but I generally wouldn't call his music 'funk' - again, soul, but funky soul. (I never considered Sir Duke to be a funk tune...)

Whereas James Brown's music is funk. P-funk is funk. Not everything they do, but you'll know when you're listening to the funk (noun).

I can see why it's not to everyone's taste, but I love listening to it, and I love playing it. :)

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Think im inclined to agree with the OP here. 99% of funk does nowt for me. If it came down to a style of music that i like to play thats "bass prominent" give me reggae any day. I quite like listening and watching these "bass acrobats " online and on record with there double thumbs and two handed tapping but in a musical sense it just leaves me cold. Awesome funky/fingerstyle music check out bakithti kumalo on paul simons graceland. Technical and incredibly musical.

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Maybe Funk is a fashion cycle, like much in performing arts? Take, for example, 'classical' music. Nowadays to be considered a serious musician I get the impression you more or less have to be into the more radical extremes of serious music; Messaien and Hindemith and so on. If you say 'I just love Bach cantatas' or 'I'm keen on a bit of Elgar' you tend to get marked down as a bit unsophisticated. This is because the experimental-type 20th and 21st century music is what's in in orchestral circles - is that the same as funk in bass circles?

That said, there's a pretty good chance I'm talking out of my proverbial and funk is in just because, well, it's so damn funky.

I think what I'm saying is that maybe funk is in because locking in with a drummer and kicking out a blinding funky line or three is immensely satisfying, in the same way as breaking new orchestral ground is. But then, Jazz widdling and driving rock/metal simplicity can be hugely satisfying too, just - like Bach and Elgar - a bit neglected, a bit unfashionable.

Let me get off this fence and nail my colours to the mast. I [i]adore[/i] fingerfunk. But so long as I'm on stage, I'll play 'show me the way to Amarillo' and love every minute of it, and I think that's what it's really about :)

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[quote name='benwhiteuk' post='197458' date='May 12 2008, 08:11 PM']+1

well said and i think that totally sums it up. Funk is a feeling and about locking into the groove and it should sound effortless and natural[/quote]

I know what you mean, i am currently trying to get Dr Johns 'Right time. Right place' to groove.

Personally i love funk! i also love jazz, rock, blues, classical Its all music but i don't want to play all of the music i love to listen to.
From a bass playing perspective i love funk, the interplay with the drums, it,s the one genre of music where i really feel like the driver and the engine if that makes any sense?

But hey it's OK not to like funk, I don't particularly like jaco pastorius or stanley clarke, victor wooten etc, (do like Marcus miller ) sometimes i feel i should but hey love and let live :)

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It's like any genre - there's good and bad and stuff I do like and stuff I don't.

However, I generally dislike any funk record that uses the word "funk" when they really wanted to say "f*ck". It's like a rubbish "Two Ronnies" sketch put to music.

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[quote name='Jobiebass' post='197734' date='May 13 2008, 09:41 AM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDWGC8P9Kro&feature=related"]Nuff Said[/url]


:) :huh: :huh: Quality!

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I love playing funk, but i had to get into it. Each to their own, you've moved on, i don't play rock/metal as much as i used to. I don't like jazz, yeah i agree jaco was a good bassist, but he doesn't influence me in the slightest, it's all up to your personal tastes and that shouldn't matter.

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[quote name='bass_ferret' post='197086' date='May 12 2008, 12:45 PM']Personally I am sick of all these I hate..., I dont like... threads that keep coming up. Its not a mature thing to post and hopefully they will grow out of it. If you must promote discussion - say what you like/love.[/quote]

Well to be honest i can see where the op is coming from.
As i often get people saying to me that even though our band is good it a shame i dont get to funk it up a bit more (though i do get told i funk songs up all the time, at least i think thats what they are saying). So alot of people do assume that because you play bass you automatically like funk. This is presumably because most people notice the bass more in funk stuff because it is more forward in the song.

So if you are not sure why, even though you play bass, that you dont like funk it shouldn't hurt to ask.

I like funk, though i dont play it much and i'd like to play it but purely for selfish reasons as it would give me more to do as alot of funk basslines can be very interesting.

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[quote name='Oscar South' post='196705' date='May 11 2008, 09:08 PM']Don't really hate it, just don't really like it. Hate how every bassist is expected to love and embrace funk though, I'm competent at it but give me some Post/Prog Rock/Metal, British Folk or some serious Jazz over funk any day.

Anyone else feel similarly?[/quote]

MB1. :)
Blimey!.....Whos crapped in your Slippers?

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[quote name='Lenny B' post='198240' date='May 13 2008, 08:34 PM']The Kingdom of Heaven is within!

I want the bomb, I want the P-funk![/quote]

Make my funk the P-funk, I wants to get funked up

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Maybe I was too harsh on the OP (it has happened) or maybe he did not express what he was trying to say.

I have been known for flaming the odd post off message for what is expect (often by other bass players) of bass players.

Jaco - technically brilliant - musically indifferent
Slap - that was the '80's unless you are Flea

I am sure my fans could quote lots of other examples, 9 strings basses maybe? Nobody should be expected to conform to somebody elses ideal.

One thing I have learned is that as I have got older my taste has got broader and I now listen to stuff I would have puked on when I was younger.

One thing that has amused me is the number of posts that think funk = slap. How wrong can you be?

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Im sorry, how can you not like funk!?
Ok it may be jazz's deformed cousin but you cannot dislike it. Its almost not agressive enough to be taken seriously. Go and listen to some Parliment songs and if they don't bring a smile to your eye then your just cold. Oo

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"We ain't got forty acres and a mule..."

If all proggers were also into funk it would really kill its cool factor...

Funk isn't just about slapping, funk isn't just about cheese. The best funk is big, bad and has something to say. Some fantastic and significant political messages in the music of James Brown, George Clinton and Gil Scott Heron et al.

"And when America found itself having a hard time facing the future, they looked for people like John Wayne. But since John Wayne was no longer available, they settled for Ronald Reagan – and it has placed us in a situation that we can only look at – like a “B” movie."


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[quote name='the_house123' post='198436' date='May 14 2008, 03:47 AM']Im sorry, how can you not like funk!?
Ok it may be jazz's deformed cousin but you cannot dislike it. Its almost not agressive enough to be taken seriously. Go and listen to some Parliment songs and if they don't bring a smile to your eye then your just cold. Oo[/quote]

Got all their albums between 1975-78 (5 in total), listened to them all. This is the attitude I was talking about in my original post.

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[quote name='Oscar South' post='198712' date='May 14 2008, 01:33 PM']Got all their albums between 1975-78 (5 in total), listened to them all. This is the attitude I was talking about in my original post.[/quote]

Attitude...It was ment to be quite a light hearted joke tbh. However at 3.45 in the morning my thoughts might have come out slightly wrong. i understand your reasoning perfectly as i used to pretty much dispise funk but could play the style upon request.

dont take my post to heart to much...its only the internet. :)

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