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Would be an interesting experiement to do a range of 'blind' listening tests to see how easy we could spot the robot from a human player as an insight to the 'it's all in the fingers' school of thought. Obviously some styles would be more obvious than others - how's that thing going to slap or tackle fretless for instance?

Edited by KevB
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"hey, what are you doing?"

*nasaly voice* "ohh, just getting ready for my gig at the weekend"


"just pre-programming the bass on this software, should only take another 15 hours"

I think we are safe for now.... for now. dread the day when they are affordable and easy to use/transport though.

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I do have to say though, it really puts into perspective how much effort and difficulty there is in being an organic being.
Look how high tech, large and clunky a piece of machinery has to be in order to do something we learn to do merely by our hands.
The human body still remains the most complex and amazing machine to this day.

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That's a brilliant piece of engineering to my eyes. Picks on a carousel attached to a stepping motor rather than just one plucking up and down on a solenoid is really clever thinking and avoids having yet more solenoids which could make it look clumsy.

Even Mrs Ez was impressed.

Edited by ezbass
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