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Mesa Boogie Basis M2000 Tubes


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I recently managed to get myself a Mesa Boogie Basis M2000 for an absolutely ridiculous price. However it's obviously quite old as it hasnt been in production for some time, and i don't have much experience with Tube amps.

When do i know when to replace the tubes and what tubes should i go for?

Just as a side note. I got the Basis M2000 and a Mesa Boogie Powerhouse 1200 cab for the £500!!! Like i said, ridiculous price.

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Thats crazy cheap!!

The M2000 was a 2 unit rackmount hybrid amp wasnt it? (2 channels with switchable graphic eq etc)

These only had preamp tubes which tend to have a pretty long life (sometimes 10 years or more) they are also inexpensive to replace so you can afford to play around with different makes / types et to get different sounds out of the amp! Great fun!!

Good luck


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I was in the same situation a few months back-swapped my Ampeg svt3 and 4x10 for an MPulse 600 and Powerhouse 8x10. I did a straight swap and the ampeg rig only cost me around 450 pounds.
I also recently replaced the preamp tubes in my Mesa when the amp began to make some low crackles and hums ( i poseted here about it and got some great advice as usual from Beedster and the rest)
I popped in some JJ's and she's right as rain.
I find the sound has changed a wee bit and there's a little less gain but i do mean little. Still heaps of headroom and a nice semi parametric eq to clean and tidy the tone.
U can probably find the user manual for the mbasis online (like i did for the mpulse) -always handy to refer to aswell

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