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There's a plectrum maker on ebay or Amazon at moment.
It looks like a hole punch but cuts plectrums from your old credit / bank cards for only £13
If you use picks it could be the ideal custom pick maker IMHO



[quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1354812218' post='1890745']
There's a plectrum maker on ebay or Amazon at moment.
It looks like a hole punch but cuts plectrums from your old credit / bank cards for only £13
If you use picks it could be the ideal custom pick maker IMHO


I've seen them before. Thing is, credit cards are pretty thick, and how often do you get rid of one? they don't really work for things of paper thickness either.


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354812318' post='1890750']
I've seen them before. Thing is, credit cards are pretty thick, and how often do you get rid of one? they don't really work for things of paper thickness either.

Also, the plastic that credit cards are made out of is pretty crap for using as a plectrum.


[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1354812584' post='1890759']
Also, the plastic that credit cards are made out of is pretty crap for using as a plectrum.

Yeah, not really flexible. If you want to wreck your thumb, be my guest :)


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354814646' post='1890797']
you could get the capital to start your own business :D[/quote]

Hmm. You don't say...I wouldn't mind this but without the risk of losing everythng I own.


[quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1354824965' post='1891019']
Hmm. You don't say...I wouldn't mind this but without the risk of failure.

That risk could be the making of you :) Risk keeps you on your toes! like fighting mike tyson. Except an analogy that puts the odds more in your favour of success :D


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354825347' post='1891025']
That risk could be the making of you :) Risk keeps you on your toes! like fighting mike tyson. Except an analogy that puts the odds more in your favour of success :D [/quote]

:) I appreciate your intent. However I've been paranoid enough for the last 5 years thanks to redundancy followed by bullying at work and in a long term relationship. It's affected my self confidence and ability to sustain intimate relationships since. Some security and stability in my life has been long overdue. So if a business could offer that I'd certainly consider it.


[quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1354827399' post='1891059']
:) I appreciate your intent. However I've been paranoid for the last 5 years thanks to redundancy followed by bullying at work and in a long term relationship. It's affected my self confidence and ability to sustain intimate relationships since. Some security and stability in my life has been long overdue. So if a business could offer that I'd certainly consider it.

Oh dude, i get the paranoia part. I work through an agency, so until recently, i didn't know from one week till the next if i still had a job. Thankfully i signed a proper contract between the agency and the company that i work for, so that gives me some security, but i am on long term sick leave now :/

Also, i was bullied for a couple of years in school. My self confidence has never really returned to how it was before. but i realise that is just how kids get on. Something is only cool if the right person is doing it. i wasn't the right person, so if i did it, i just got judged. cheeky little *****. if i could go back now, i would drop all the f***ers, and that includes my best mate.


I'm normally a pretty nice, generous and kind guy, and some former (female) colleagues read weakness into that. I also came from healthy work environments where people were comfortable calling a spade a spade when engaged in a professional discussion. Apparently my open and honest approach to discussions made my colleagues feel threatened and I ended up being scapegoated for a wider suite of issues surrounding the performance of the team which weren't helped by an industrial psychologist who had a chip on his shoulder and power tripped.

Luckily I had an incredible HR advisor who was also very experienced in managing psychologists and who could see through all the crap. He was a rock and an amazing teacher through what was the second most traumatic experience of my professional career, behind being made redundant for the third time. However given my colleagues had the ear of the General Manager and once the HR advisor left to take up a role as Director of HR in a hotel chain, I was on the tactical equivalent of a hiding to nothing. He advised me simply to get the hell out.

Last month the GM added me on linkedin which was interesting, given she only has 9 contacts. I hope she's gained some new perspective on the situation in the last 18 months. My former manager has to report to a new management position between her and the GM now, also.

My fiancee had anger management issues that she tried (unsuccessfully) to control, fuelled by insecurity and jealousy and a traumatic experience in her past which I was at a loss to anticipate triggering from time to time. So from 2009-2011 I was getting it in the neck both at work and at home. On reflection I should have fawned over her more I guess, she was needy but I wasn't in a place emotionally where I could do that with my situation at work. She understood I was in a difficult position but that understanding didn't translate into tempering her own needs. She got worse once she left to go back home for 6 months (given we were in less contact). I made her aware of this risk before she decided to leave but things got to a point where the verbal abuse in emails became unrelenting.

Things got to a point where we effectively both gave up on each other.

The advice I was given with bullies was mostly about avoiding showing weakness...a bit like stories you hear about how new inmates cope with being in prison, I guess. However the anecdotes offered on how to show strength have tended to be very tailored to specific situations and solutions were stumbled across by accident. No real principles to take away and apply. I was bullied in high school too and tended to respond by beating seven shades of proverbial out of my tormentors too. That worked really well as a way of teaching them some respect but its not an really an option for anyone in the workplace.

Since 2011, and moving both jobs and location, things have improved to a point where I can feel the healing is happening and my confidence is returning. Some domestic stability and job security would help that process continue by allowing me to focus on things that are positive for a change....like finishing the kitting out of my workshop and making some bass guitar bodies.

Sorry, off topic I realise. Back on topic - yes, a peaceful, stable and secure future would be nice...a 400m wide flat bed drum sander and an oscillating bobbin sander too.


[quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1354833924' post='1891166']
I'm normally a pretty nice, generous and kind guy, and some former (female) colleagues read weakness into that. I also came from healthy work environments where people were comfortable calling a spade a spade when engaged in a professional discussion. Apparently my open and honest approach to discussions made my colleagues feel threatened and I ended up being scapegoated for a wider suite of issues surrounding the performance of the team which weren't helped by an industrial psychologist who had a chip on his shoulder and power tripped.

Luckily I had an incredible HR advisor who was also very experienced in managing psychologists and who could see through all the crap. He was a rock and an amazing teacher through what was the second most traumatic experience of my professional career, behind being made redundant for the third time. However given my colleagues had the ear of the General Manager and once the HR advisor left to take up a role as Director of HR in a hotel chain, I was on the tactical equivalent of a hiding to nothing. He advised me simply to get the hell out.

Last month the GM added me on linkedin which was interesting, given she only has 9 contacts. I hope she's gained some new perspective on the situation in the last 18 months. My former manager has to report to a new management position between her and the GM now, also.

My fiancee had anger management issues that she tried (unsuccessfully) to control, fuelled by insecurity and jealousy and a traumatic experience in her past which I was at a loss to anticipate triggering from time to time. So from 2009-2011 I was getting it in the neck both at work and at home. On reflection I should have fawned over her more I guess, she was needy but I wasn't in a place emotionally where I could do that with my situation at work. She understood I was in a difficult position but that understanding didn't translate into tempering her own needs. She got worse once she left to go back home for 6 months (given we were in less contact). I made her aware of this risk before she decided to leave but things got to a point where the verbal abuse in emails became unrelenting.

Things got to a point where we effectively both gave up on each other.

The advice I was given with bullies was mostly about avoiding showing weakness...a bit like stories you hear about how new inmates cope with being in prison, I guess. However the anecdotes offered on how to show strength have tended to be very tailored to specific situations and solutions were stumbled across by accident. No real principles to take away and apply. I was bullied in high school too and tended to respond by beating seven shades of proverbial out of my tormentors too. That worked really well as a way of teaching them some respect but its not an really an option for anyone in the workplace.

Since 2011, and moving both jobs and location, things have improved to a point where I can feel the healing is happening and my confidence is returning. Some domestic stability and job security would help that process continue by allowing me to focus on things that are positive for a change....like finishing the kitting out of my workshop and making some bass guitar bodies.

Sorry, off topic I realise. Back on topic - yes, a peaceful, stable and secure future would be nice...a 400m wide flat bed drum sander and an oscillating bobbin sander too.

Quite a story. It's obviously a lot to go through. Yeah, people probably picked on me because of my backward nature and timidness. But i'm not one to be messed with these days. I'm really one for letting people know what i think of them. The bosses brother got all up in my face one day and i told him to f*** off and stop being a **** because he's the bosses brother. That was the only thing they responded to really. I absolutely hated that pair. i hated most people in that company. i was essentially made a scapegoat for every little thing that went wrong, by the boss himself. he just decided to blame EVERYTHING on me, even when he know i was nowhere near the job that i was supposed to have f***ed up. Oh, and his other apprentice was all up himself, and thought he could do no wrong (i spent most days putting right his wrongs) and he started getting shouty and blaming (probably got it from the boss). I told him to shut up and stop being a cheeky git or he would be taking a dive off his ladders. He made very many threats about how that was it for me, and i was a dead man. he wandered off and came back 15 minutes later, and casually said "So, how was your weekend? did you go out anywhere?". i just looked at him then walked off. I didn't spend much time in the company after that. It was clear that they say me as nothing more than a hindrance, which was a total shame, because i was twice the joiner of the other apprentice. The boss just focused on my sexuality more than anything. utter dickhead.

iTunes vouchers.


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354626893' post='1888291']Chinese medicine just seems to work.[/quote]






[quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1354612692' post='1887928']

[/quote] You know they can programme computers to act as a Bilbo-bot in threads such as this, making post such as that..... :) not that we all know what you're going to post or anything!


[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1354924363' post='1892174']






[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354812318' post='1890750']
I've seen them before. Thing is, credit cards are pretty thick, and how often do you get rid of one? they don't really work for things of paper thickness either.
[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1354812584' post='1890759']
Also, the plastic that credit cards are made out of is pretty crap for using as a plectrum.
[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354812824' post='1890768']
Yeah, not really flexible. If you want to wreck your thumb, be my guest :)

I personally don't use picks so not a lot of experience with them. I would add that some store cards are thinner and more flexi but as most have pointed out it probably won't work. Was a nice idea tho IMO - just a shame it doesn't work :lol: :lol: :lol:


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