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[quote name='Kongo' timestamp='1354671972' post='1889076']
I guess I'm also gonna add in here the rarely known fact that I found out once from having excruciating pain in both my hands.
Vitamin overdose. Sounds silly but both Vitamin A and D are found in Cod Liver Oil AND Multivitamins on top of my diet of the time. I used to take both together and ended up exceeding the recommended ug by quite a bit and was actually feeling the effects of Vitamin D toxicity. One of which being extreme joint and muscle pain.
I felt twinges before but thought it was work doing it, according to my GP, that was a sign.

So, maybe check your vitamin intake? That too can cause joint and muscle pain if you have too much.
About two weeks of taking neither my body flushed it out and my hands felt better...I did fear the worst, it has to be said.

Yup, i was taking haliborange, which is A,C and D, but then i got the cod liver oil tablets which have A and D in them anyway, so stopped taking the haliborange. Definitely don't take berroca, that stuff has 10 times more of some vitamins that you should have in a day! vitamins are only good up to a point!


[quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1354811876' post='1890737']
:lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

I'm serious! Digging in hard causes problems. Turning your amp up and playing more softly avoids playing injuries. This doesn't mean you have to be quiet! For example, Steve Harris more or less tickles his strings and lets his rig and the PA produce his massive sound for him. :)


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1354583915' post='1887819']

Lower your action .....

Yeah, less groupies should help!

I have an ache in my fretting little finger that has been around for months - worrying. I think it's the start of bad things.


My sympathies to the OP. My digits have also had to deal with 30 years of rugby and several dislocations that I am now definitely noticing. As above, long warm up now required...


Some good tips & suggestions in this thread...

I'd add stay hydrated - for the brain and fingers and, another obscure one to consider, keep your hands/fingers flat or at least not under tension whilst sleeping - easier said than done...


This talk of overdosing on Vitamin A and D got me worried as I usually take three cod liver oil capsules a day. Checking out the figures though, it seems ok - from wikipedia on vitamin D;

[indent=1]"In healthy adults, sustained intake of more than 1250 micrograms/day (50,000 IU) can produce overt toxicity after several months"[/indent]

[indent=1]"Published cases of toxicity involving hypercalcemia in which the vitamin D dose and the 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels are known all involve an intake of ≥40,000 IU (1000 μg) per day"[/indent]

Each cod liver oil capsule contains 5 micrograms, and the multivitamin contains 2.5 micrograms, giving a total of 17.5 micrograms per day in addition to diet. This is well within these limits, but apparently there are some medical conditions that make one more sensitive to the effects. Check it out if in doubt; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_D#Toxicity

Vitamin A toxicity starts at around 25,000 IU per day. Each cod liver oil capsule contains 2,664 IU, as does the multivitamin, for a total of just over 10,000 IU per day. Looks like this one is also safe, unless you get a load of it from food as well. Vitamin A is used to promote good health in bones, teeth, skin and soft tissue such as muscle, tendons etc. so it sounds like a useful thing in the context of this discussion.

Phew! :-)


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354759148' post='1890179']
Yup, i was taking haliborange, which is A,C and D, but then i got the cod liver oil tablets which have A and D in them anyway, so stopped taking the haliborange. Definitely don't take berroca, that stuff has 10 times more of some vitamins that you should have in a day! vitamins are only good up to a point!

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