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[quote name='mike257' timestamp='1355049424' post='1893253']
Oh, and on the slight topical swerve, I don't tend to go out drinking, don't smoke and generally don't spend dosh on stuff for me so music is my one vice and indulgence!

Same for me, Mike. I figure I used to spend between £300 & £400 a month on booze, so a bass/amp/cab - which I can sell on as well - every now and then isn`t a huge spend in comparison.


Have you tried the Warwick in question? Is it definitely more suitable for the music you want to play than the JV?

I don't presume to know anyone else's financial situation, but there does seem to be a point from what I read in threads like this when there is no more money available for music gear. Why? You obviously had money to buy gear in the past. What's wrong with saving slowly in anticipation of finding the bass of your dreams? Put something aside every month and then when something you like turns up you can buy it and compare against your other basses in your own time before making a decision.

I think that the minimum number of basses for the gigging musician who likes to swap their gear about but wants to avoid disappointment is 3. A main bass that you use most of the time. A second bass that you'd be be happy to use if the main bass was unavailable. A trading bass. Then if you see something you think you like you can sell or trade the 3rd bass for the new one.


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1355049557' post='1893255']

Same for me, Mike. I figure I used to spend between £300 & £400 a month on booze, so a bass/amp/cab - which I can sell on as well - every now and then isn`t a huge spend in comparison.

Exactly, and its much better for you too!


[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355048531' post='1893234']
i don't think that was his point. It would be possible to have two folks on min. Wage, in a cheap house with no kids, low out goings, no drink or fags, shop in lidl and have a reasonable amount of free cash for something like basses.
Equally you could have an income of 100k, 6 kids, drink a fair bit and live a high rent area and shop in saimsburys and be really hard up for cash.

Well said. Deciding whether or not to sell a bass is down to money. You sell it because you want the money. If you have unlimited financial resources why sell anything!


[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1354986043' post='1892680']

I'm not some rich toff! I happen to live in a two income household. No kids and no other hobbies to speak of. Don't smoke and don't drink half as much as I used to..

This. Well, sort of. I have a relatively unjustified collection, but don't smoke, drink much or go out much. Work and the kids see to that.
I do live cost-effectively, and the basses are my sole luxury.
My collection has evolved over 20 years, with little chopping and changing. I'm pretty careful about what I buy in the first place.

The hardest part is deciding what has to go to finance what, and being sure that the new squeeze is actually any better than what you've already got....


[quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1355042682' post='1893171']

Sorry neepheid, but you sort of prove my point. Your description of your situation sounds really quite well off compared to an awful lot of other folks. Are you trying to say that if your financial situation went to the dogs you would not consider moving on some of your collection ?

Sorry, but what is your point? Of course if things took a turn for the worst and it was the choice of basses and the roof over our heads the basses would go. Isn't that completely obvious?

If you want more basses then go find a way to make it happen instead of bitching on here about it in some sort of attempt to make me feel guilty for any success that I have worked hard to achieve.


[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1355061249' post='1893457']
If you want more basses then go find a way to make it happen instead of bitching on here about it in some sort of attempt to make me feel guilty for any success that I have worked hard to achieve.

I didn't see any bitching, just an expression of surprise at the collections that some people amass, without pointing to anyone specific. No need to be so defensive!


[quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1355063883' post='1893517']
I didn't see any bitching, just an expression of surprise at the collections that some people amass, without pointing to anyone specific. No need to be so defensive!

Are you kidding me? It's not enough having my financial priorities called into question, I'm now being told how I should feel about it? That's just marvellous!


[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1355051045' post='1893276']
Have you tried the Warwick in question? Is it definitely more suitable for the music you want to play than the JV?

I don't presume to know anyone else's financial situation, but there does seem to be a point from what I read in threads like this when there is no more money available for music gear. Why? You obviously had money to buy gear in the past. What's wrong with saving slowly in anticipation of finding the bass of your dreams? Put something aside every month and then when something you like turns up you can buy it and compare against your other basses in your own time before making a decision.

I think that the minimum number of basses for the gigging musician who likes to swap their gear about but wants to avoid disappointment is 3. A main bass that you use most of the time. A second bass that you'd be be happy to use if the main bass was unavailable. A trading bass. Then if you see something you think you like you can sell or trade the 3rd bass for the new one.
[/quote] good answer, thanks :)
[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1355061249' post='1893457']
Sorry, but what is your point? Of course if things took a turn for the worst and it was the choice of basses and the roof over our heads the basses would go. Isn't that completely obvious?

If you want more basses then go find a way to make it happen instead of bitching on here about it in some sort of attempt to make me feel guilty for any success that I have worked hard to achieve.
[/quote] some folk don't get how you make choices spending priorities and that defines how much you have to spend. No doubt if I ever have kids less money will be free.
I really don't get people on the net trying to double guess how folk make their decisions. We're lucky enough to have on this forum folk who are struggling pros, old retired fellas, school kids, students, folk at the top of their profession, unemployed and everything. I really don't see the point on making any comment on how this relates to the amount of basses someone has at all. Like you say neepheid you work hard and spend it how you see fit. No doubt there will be some student in your town who just about scrapes togerher enough for a £30 bass on gumtree, and also a managing director of some oil rig firm who can drop £50k on a vintage fender. Who cares too much where anyone is between that?

Posted (edited)

As Mr Micawber so rightly pointed out , expenditure rises to match income . Different folks have very different ideas of what their financial priorities are and what constitutes disposable income . You can have two people on the same income and one thinks it is their human right to have two holidays a year , whereas the other thinks that Salad Cream is a luxury item . When I left school I had three ambitions ; to buy a Wal bass , to save up a thousand quid and to get my hands on the girl who worked behind the cheese counter at the local supermarket . At least I achieved two of those goals , and if I still had the Wal it would be worth a fortune , the grand would be worth a fraction of what it was then and the girl from the cheese counter is probably well past her sell-by date by now . I think the lesson in all that is that the right bass is a better investment than it might seem , or something along those lines ,I'm not quite sure , but anyway...

Edited by Dingus

[quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1355070177' post='1893620']
When I left school I had three ambitions ; to buy a Wal bass , to save up a thousand quid and to get my hands on the girl who worked behind the cheese counter at the local supermarket .
[/quote] cos she was a looker or cos you wanted cheaper cheese?

Posted (edited)

I have no children and I don't intend to have any. It's a modern world and I find a lot of people in my scenario. Luckily my partner thinks the same as me, so no one is missing out. We just want an awesome dog and some amazing holidays. I don't want to buy a house yet because I need to decide where exactly I want to live for the next 5 years.

We've had a bad year for money but its turning around now.

My priorities are my career and music in general. Yes, I spend a lot on basses but im careful and I haggle. Others prioritise children, some prioritise partying and having a good time (I'm jealous!).

I'd keep your P type bass and save for a Thumb :)

Edited by Musicman20

[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355073292' post='1893667']
cos she was a looker or cos you wanted cheaper cheese?

She was a looker , and I was too smitten to think about possible discounts .


[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1355065207' post='1893541']
It's not enough having my financial priorities called into question, I'm now being told how I should feel about it? That's just marvellous!

Wow. try not to take it so personally. No-one is aiming comments specifically at you. Just talking about these issues a in general sense.


I made a very stupid choice in trading a my beloved old Stingray for a rare-ish recent-ish Fender US P-bass. The one time I had GAS but subsequently I sold the P-bass, then took a road to get the same sound back.

One stupid decision made me take a hard one in selling a bunch of stuff I loved, including the only sterling bass I think I could ever own (used by some one I like before, old style bridge etc) plus a bit of saving and I got my Sandberg.

There are a few things I would like to try, but that's it, I'd up trying and even if I spent saving to get them I know deep down I would end up moving it on.
All the previous trouble and heart ache to get me the stuff I love now puts me off a great deal.

A lot of emotion has gone into the 'Berg and so I wouldn't want to loose that.

If you have the chance to try the thumb bass and in your band's setting then you'll know a bit better, if you should go through with it.

I'd pay attention to your emotions while being as realistic as possible.


[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1354986043' post='1892680']
I happen to live in a two income household. No kids...

Your situation is desirable. Thankfully, i will never have kids. Whether i am in a relationship or not, i intend to live in a nice place, surrounded by my basses :) (and other instruments).


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1355084350' post='1893887']

Your situation is desirable. Thankfully, i will never have kids. Whether i am in a relationship or not, i intend to live in a nice place, surrounded by my basses :) (and other instruments).

Me too! Haha.


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1355084350' post='1893887']

Your situation is desirable. Thankfully, i will never have kids. Whether i am in a relationship or not, i intend to live in a nice place, surrounded by my basses :) (and other instruments).

Me too! Haha.


[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355086384' post='1893916']
Hmm so this has turned into the whole procreation Vs' bass owning debate!

haha, yup :) Men can't have kids, so it isn't really a debate for me.


[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1354977823' post='1892545']
How do folk decide to change basses, or sell ones that they love?

IME there's more pain in a loved item sold than in a lusted item unbought.
So when I must sell something to get something else, I'll probably show quite some restraint.

Up to now however, with the bass that is, I've avoided this situation, rather saving money ruthlessly.
No car, no drinking, no smoking, no cinema, etc. etc. etc.
Every spoonful of rolled oats makes me smile at the thought of the next bass or Barefaced coming closer.



I'm erring towards the thumb. Need to get my bass up for sale again - obviously the whole debate is daft because it's predicated on me being able to sell the JV P bass - which at the moment isn't a given!

Guest bassman7755

My main bass for the last 15 years has been my trusty status eclipse artist. Whenever I feel tempted to get another bass I end up asking myself "in what way will this new one be better" and the answer is always "none" .... The only thing that may temp me is to get something more in keeping with my main bands image (a deep purple tribute).

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