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[i] Yes, getting a bit excited about seeing the band as I remember them next march. Bit nervous too & prepared for mild disappointment. they're not as old as the Stones though!![/i]

[i]Looking forward to the Lancaster/ Coghlan combo!!![/i]


Those early couple of 60s Psych albums for me. I'd love them to be fashionable, they are actually good players away from the band and come across well in interview. I remember Francis Rossi being interviewed by some smug young journalist and he politely turned the interview on it's head by asking the journalist "do you actually know what a chord is?" The interview was better for it's sudden lack of smugness.


I think Quo are great. Love the music, must get to one of their fames Xmas time gigs - memo to self for next year, methinks.

But, there`s another side. Our old drummers niece had cancer. Luckily she`s fully recovered now. But she went to one of their gigs and met them, along with a bunch of other kids with cancer. Quo turned up and said "I suppose you think we`re going to pose for photos, give you loads of presents, and spend the day with you then?" The kids looked a bit shocked. "Well you`d be right then" they added. And away from the cameras they spent the whole day with these kids. It wasn`t publicity, they genuinely cared, and were great to the kids. Things like that count. I found a greater sense of respect for them after hearing that.


Shell, the cotton bud trick. Francis totally destroyed his septum through drug abuse, and will has been known to poke a cotton bud up on nostril and remove it from the other...to groans from onlookers usually lol


[quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1355219225' post='1895401']
Shell, the cotton bud trick. Francis totally destroyed his septum through drug abuse, and will has been known to poke a cotton bud up on nostril and remove it from the other...to groans from onlookers usually lol

I knew I shouldn't have asked! :lol:


[quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1355219225' post='1895401']
Shell, the cotton bud trick. Francis totally destroyed his septum through drug abuse, and will has been known to poke a cotton bud up on nostril and remove it from the other...to groans from onlookers usually lol[/quote]

That's the one! :lol:


I have an older brother who was (and still is) a big Quo fan so I heard all the classic early 70's stuff as it was released. I didn't actually get to see them live until relatively recently, they just seemed to pass me by as a live act. Still a very hard working band. I wasn't able to get a ticket for one of the reunion shows but if Alan's health holds up and they can fit it into the schedule maybe there might be a few more announced.


I love the Quo as well. Both old and new but I reckon the present line up kicks the a*s of the old line up. Rhino and Matt are a great rhythm section.


+1 on 'Mystery Song' - great track.

I think that anybody that plays must give a nod to SQ....hard working band, still very successful and loyal fan-base ...and seemingly nice guys as well. You can't ask for more than that.


[quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1355245013' post='1895880']
I love the Quo as well. Both old and new but I reckon the present line up kicks the a*s of the old line up. Rhino and Matt are a great rhythm section.

Nowt wrong with this rhytmn section, circa 1972



I started listening to Quo in the late 70s - before then I was too young for rawk n roll :D
I'm happy to have tickets for the Hammersmith gig and I intend to learn about and/or refresh on the band's back catalogue in time for that! \m/ :D \m/


Jamming with the lads on Friday evening suddenly things took a very Quo-like turn. I was digging it but wondered if anyone else was picking up on it. I assumed that they hadn't as I was sure certain members would have called a halt. Turned out they all picked up on the vibe (apart from the 22 year old keys player) and were equally into it.

It still works. :)


[quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1355217095' post='1895374']


And get yer air cut.
Thanks for contributing and adding balance to this Quo humpfest :lol: . Now, where were we?

Oh yes - I love Quo I do :D


big Quo fan up to Rocking All Over the World , then they got some poncy pop producer in instead of doing it themselves, the bass disapeared along with all the guts, when I'm talking to people a bit younger than myself I tell them "Before Punk all we had was Quo" they think I'm mad but it's more or less true, I got tickets for reunion show next march and checked out Quid Pro Quo, if you like the early stuff I think you'll like that check it out, it's on spotify

Posted (edited)

Early Quo - unbeatable.
My old band covered Big Fat Mama on our first album - have a listen:


That's me in the glasses.

Edited by Cosmo Valdemar

[quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1355217095' post='1895374']
And get yer air cut.

I believe both Rick & Francis both have now, although possibly not in anticipation of your post!?!

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