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Support act for Living Colour during the '93 "Stain" tour w. Doug Wimbish

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Did anyone see Living Colour during the '93 "Stain" tour? This was Doug Wimbish's first tour with them, IMS.

So: who were the supporting act? They were a bunch of middle class youngsters who did this type of polite American punk that was "en vogue" at the time. FWIW, I think they'd all got permission from their moms and dads to go out and travel in Europe.

Have been wanting to know this since ... er ... '78 or so, if memory serves.



Could it be this?



Thanks, Bluejay!
Sweet Water may just be it, and seeing what they are compared to (Mudhoney, Pearl Jam ... ) I can well imagine that they sounded quite punk live. Their looks are certainly exactly like the band I saw back then.

Funny you should come up with Bad Brains. I knew they toured with LC later, but had no idea about '93
They were even mentioned at the concert, by the young lads, but I never understood the whole sentence. It may have been that they were sorry Bad Brains couldn't make it that evening, for example.

I'll delve more into this. Now I have a name to check at least. Thanks again!



Good to know you think it's them, Bert - the above is just the result of some quasi-random googling, since my ex and I missed seeing Living Colour live at the time and I really couldn't remember who they were touring with. I'm sure you'll find plenty of videos on Youtube etc. :)


You're better at googling than I am then. I've been searching time and again for years. Only answers I got was Bad Brains and Pearl Jam - both wrong. I'll buy "Google 101 for Dummie Kids"



LOL may not be your fault at all :D - Do you use the version of Google that's optimised for Norway? I ask becasue it seems to me that every localised version of Google has different search algorythms, so that, even if you enter the same English words that I do, what I see on my screen may well be different to what you see on yours. I noticed that when comparing notes (and searches) with my friends in Italy. I seem to find a lot more stuff than they do, despite entering the same keywords in English.


[quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1355347331' post='1897326']
Do you use the version of Google that's optimised for Norway?

Girl, you said it! Google is more and more incessantly trying to impose the local version on us, to the degree that I gave in at one point. But with renewed energy I'll try and lock it to truly international searches.
In a local search, there should be a shadow of a chance that I'm able enough to actually use the word "soegne", now shouldn't there?




[quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1355348149' post='1897340']
Saw living Color on 93 tour in Leeds but was out of my head on speed and dope, so I'm told...

Saw them on their first UK tour at Manchester Poly....incredible.

Steve, you know I love you like a sister I don't know I have, but Living Colour in [b][i]American[/i][/b] spelling? :o Shiver! ;)



Ahhh! Doug is a legend! There's this video I have of some buffoon jamming with Doug :) quite rightly, the guy on the left keeps it simple for the man to do his thang!



[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1355349593' post='1897356']

Steve, you know I love you like a sister I don't know I have, but Living Colour in [b][i]American[/i][/b] spelling? :o Shiver! ;)

[/quote]bert, my bro, I'm sorry.

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