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Is this bass really worth £1500

Lee Carter

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As the title suggests, A friend of mine is selling his P-Bass and is trying to get £1500 for it....


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At the risk of repeating what has been said a gazillion times before, a thing is 'worth' what someone is willing to pay for it. Having said that, I find it hard to imagine that particular bass ever going for the asking price.

EDIT: Some questions to ponder:[list]
[*]How much is an equivalent reissue?
[*]How good were those early '80s reissues compared to what is available now?
[*]What could you get for the same money?

Edited by JapanAxe
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I think that seems fair, possibly a little costly, though without knowledge of these actual basses I can`t say for certain. Considering US Standards of the same period are about £1000 at present, it`s reasonable that the 57 Reissue would cost more.

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The bass is described as all-original with its original tweed case. If it is in first-class condition then £1500 is not unreasonable IMO.. These early 80s basses are very good instruments. I would certainly pay £1500 for this before I spent the same amount on a late 70s precision.

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If I was in the market for a bass like that I would want a lot more info than that advert gives...

Good luck to him. If there is someone around who is prepared to pay £1500 for the bass, then it is "worth" £1500! If not, it could be for sale for quite a while...

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[quote name='Lee Carter' timestamp='1355311163' post='1896651']
As the title suggests, A friend of mine is selling his P-Bass and is trying to get £1500 for it....


Thats the same as £1250 once you take the tax off... then the shop will be taking a cut.... and you get certain rights buying it through a shop... and that shop does let you haggle down.
I dunno- these early 80's USA basses seem to have a good rep. People will pay more than that for a new '57ri (though to be a pedant this isn't a '57ri)
Can you get as good bass for less. Yeah. Would I buy this one.... no- i'm trying to sell my own early 80's fender '57ri - would be interesting to compare the two and value for money of them both.... (as in feel free to critique off my bass/price in this discussion too) - end of the day though if you pick it up and it plays amazingly... it's worth it whether it's made by Fender of SX....

[quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1355316862' post='1896790']
Is any bass worth 1500?
[/quote] not when you keep doing your seasonal offers!

Edited by LukeFRC
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Tricky period to value - some early '80's basses are excellent. Others are dogs :(

You could certainly get a decent mid/late 70's P for £1,500 at the moment.

Simply being '70's rather than '80's tends to add value so I'd say it's a bit 'optimistic'. However a dealer price will be a bit higher and they will have built in some costs for negotiation, credit card sales and the dreaded VAT as well.

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In answer to the OP.


However many of the points raised above give very good reasons as to why the bass is priced up there. If it was MY bass, and I was selling it on here, I'd ask around a grand at the very most, while expecting to accept an offer of around £900. It's not worth any more than that in my opinion.

"Old" (subjective) basses are overpriced, just because they're getting on a bit automatically makes them more valuable. I've had a couple of 70s Fenders that have been rubbish. My MIM 50s RI Precision batters them all on all counts, and at a fraction of the cost.

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[quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1355329085' post='1897027']
I've had a couple of 70s Fenders that have been rubbish. My MIM 50s RI Precision batters them all on all counts, and at a fraction of the cost.

Well there you are. You see the problem is that we all come to this from our different experiences. I played a MIM 50s RI Precision and thought that it played horrible and sounded not a patch on my other precisions.

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[quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1355333064' post='1897111']
It's a Fullerton RI. Fender were at the top of their game around this time, and that's why they command good money. Yep, the price is on the high side but if someone wants one, they'll pay it.


Just because we are very strict on slightly higher prices on basschat, doesn't mean the rest of the bass/guitar buying world is.

I don't think the saying 'its worth what someone will pay for it' applies to a quality instrument. Its worth whatever the seller WANTS it to be worth, and if people can't stretch to it, they don't get it! Simple as.

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[quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1355332016' post='1897085']

Well there you are. You see the problem is that we all come to this from our different experiences. I played a MIM 50s RI Precision and thought that it played horrible and sounded not a patch on my other precisions.

Each to their own

Edited by Rayman
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[quote name='BassPimp66' timestamp='1355339448' post='1897208']
Too expensive ... I would pay GBP 950. Based on 2/3 of the new price today. And provided it comes in mint condition.
I don't give a s*** this was produced in the 80's. It's just a funny looking bass. I can live with that, but I would't pay a premium for it.

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[quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1355333064' post='1897111']
It's a Fullerton RI. Fender were at the top of their game around this time, and that's why they command good money. Yep, the price is on the high side but if someone wants one, they'll pay it.

This. Best USA reissues ever, by a country mile. Price [i]is[/i] high though, but that finish is very rare.

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