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FS/FT Modded Fender Roadworn Jazz Bass NOW SOLD.....!!!


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Its time for me and her to part so here she is...

You all now about the Roadworn series but she seriously is the lightest, most comfortable Jazz I've ever played and sounds amazing...

Ive added a few little bits and pieces...

black pick guard (comes with the original if wanted)
Wizard Hammer pick ups, which are very dark and growly (originals boxed and can be sent if wanted)
Bad Ass 2 chrome bridge (she has the original fitted at the moment)

I'll also chuck in the Fender gig bag

The neck, which was already fast has been sanded and smooth and is now super quick .

Im playing exclusively Musicman basses now so the Jazz isnt getting the attention it deserves..

[size=5][b]With regards to trade Im seriously after another Musicman Stingray, Sterling, Bongo... a fretless if possible[/b][/size]

Other pics can be available if these dont come out to well....[attachment=124994:IMG_2523.jpg][attachment=124995:IMG_2524.jpg][attachment=124997:IMG_2526.jpg]

Edited by ozzy138
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