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Throwing a curve ball out there, ever thought of classical double bass? Bowing = ) Neil Tarlton's bowing books and Bottesini's bass method. Don't be caught into "grades" just practice... Be focused and results happen.
After about 3 years you'll be able to tackle this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgZ_-f7pVk4


I haven't ruled out anything, I'm not a big classical fan......yet. I'm very open minded and happy to try all styles, I already do on bass guitar. I have mentioned a bow earlier in the thread so maybe your the man to ask, is there a budget bow worth trying or am I looking at an expensive one? One of thevreasons I went for the stagg was because of the reviews saying it could be played arco unlike some others with flat boards, may as well just hold a stingray on end if its like that!


I'm an arco noob as I only play pizz in my band. I have just ordered a carbon bow from Thomann as a Xmas pressie to me from wifey :rolleyes: Here's the link, looks good value as you can pay hundreds or even thousands for a bow http://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_cbbf3_44_carbon_bassbow.htm BTW, there's two styles, German and French (so bows have an F or G in front of them to indicate which) - French looks more natural to me, akin to the way a violin bow is held, whereas German looks very awkward as you hold from underneath as it were - each have their advocates but I am going to try to learn French style (oo err, missus)


If your not sure imagine where I am with it :lol: I presume you buy a 3/4 or a 4/4 depending on the bass rather than your preferance? So 3/4 for the Stagg?
I will wait until the wife calms down before I order any more stuff from thomann, I have found the evolving bassist book for £12.15 plus p&p on Amazon so I might treat myself to that :)

Its a whole new area and I guess all the same threads run here like they do in the rest of the forum, why have a 5 string, why learn to read blah blah? I can see a divide between the EUB and DB players but most people look to be happy to accept the two in their own right, Its looks like some DB players dont class you as an upright player on EUB? Im sure I will fall into one of the traps like I did asking about 5 strings a few years ago in general chat :D


[quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1355655314' post='1900903']
Ooops that was the wrong link Pete, that bow was for a 4/4 bass, mine is 3/4. But you get the picture

I was typing so you have answered my first question already :)


In all honesty, Lowest bow I'd entertain is a Carbon bow... If you're looking at pernambuco bows best bet is the Claude Marchand (£1200-£1400) before you start going into £2k... When buying bows try before you buy!!!!!! It's wood, as wood varys from tree to tree the balance isn't always the same... But a bow that is not all that for you might work for someone else...

Few tips keep back straight, no hunching over... Bowing arm extended and relaxed... straight bow strokes... relaxed thumb, whilst gripping the frog... even sound and from frog to the tip of the bow. = )

Good luck!


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355591078' post='1900329']
Sounds ideal then, how are you getting on with the proper db?
I too need lessons, but have improved a bit with 20 minutes daily practice. Not tried the bow yet, that will probably end up on ebay at some point!


I can't imagine the bow will be a priority once it arrives to be honest, I'm going to try to do a half hour practice every week night and a few sessions a day at weekends, bit of open ended question but what's a realistic time scale before I could do a song or two in a covers band do you think?


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355670894' post='1901141']
I can't imagine the bow will be a priority once it arrives to be honest, I'm going to try to do a half hour practice every week night and a few sessions a day at weekends, bit of open ended question but what's a realistic time scale before I could do a song or two in a covers band do you think?

I got chatting with a guy who comes into work sometimes, turns out he plays DB in a couple of bands (gigs most weekends) He also teaches. He reckoned that as I'd been playing electric bass for 30 years "you'll soon pick it up" Hmmm, not sure about that, but its got to be easier than being a complete newbie hasn't it?


You might try Micheal Moore's 'Bass Method' book. Nicely systematic. As for DVD's, Ed Friedland's 'Jazz upright bass' is very well put together and the most all-round practical vid I've seen yet.

For bowing, Rabbath's 'Art of the bow' is a wonderful thing to watch and very practical too.

Have fun. :)


If you do decide to change the stock strings (and you will....) I recommend you try a set of synthetic (i.e. nylon/perlon) strings rather than steel core. The softer attack and shorter sustaun of synthetic strings often work well with the rigidity of yer typical EUB to give a more BD-esque sound than you'd get with steels designed to work with a bit resonant box of a DB.

A very good place to start would be Daf's Innnovation string trial page - try Honeys, Super Silvers or Rockabillys.

I've just put a set of Super Silvers on my Eminence EUB and I suspect they'll be staying on there...


Dont worry I will start a "what strings do you use" thread once I get to that stage! Are those threads as volatile here as they are in general chat? :)

I have had my cast removed, massive plate under my fore arm with 1 1/4 screws everywhere! So far so good though hopefully by the time the EUB arrives it will have a bit of strength back, I have had my thomann posted email too so here is hoping for friday maybe even thursday depending on christmas post etc :)


Aww brilliant !!!
There is a lot of love on this section of the forum. All good info & good to learn more. I'm at the moment practicing my basics, because of the physicality of playing a Stagg EUB I'm still forgetting my posture which can be a little frustrating at times but then again I'm still a beginner.

In the new year I'm going to have propper lessons because thats when I will have time to practice correctly

I've been building an outdoor music room to play in so thats taken all my time & money. It will be finished in the early part of next year......roll on 2013 woo hoo!


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355930481' post='1904627']
Nice one Fumps, mine is litterally on its way here right now, I am waiting for a knock at the door :o
oooooooo I bet your pooping conkers !

When I got mine I was playing it till the early hours of the morning & then tried to get some sleep with what felt like a bullet in my shoulder. left arm straight at all times this helped me loads [url="http://teachers.saschina.org/lhu/posture-for-double-bass/"]http://teachers.saschina.org/lhu/posture-for-double-bass/[/url]

And another thing........It's like an addiction with EUB. when i play bass guitar it feels like a toy lol

Welcome to the fold, by the way be careful with effects pedals I scared my puppy with the Stagg/Big muff combination, i had to take him for a walk to calm him down lol


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355935061' post='1904735']
Its still not here! I bet its going to spend the night in a van somewhere for no reason :(
Awww noooooooo
I'm crossing fingers for you mate.

I'm excited for you now

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