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We're not allowed to play in a small town in Lancashire that shall remain nameless (but has a few decent pubs that put bands on) because the guitarist's ex-wife lives there :D By all accounts, she will find out and she is meant to be a bit of a nutter :gas:


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356195795' post='1907859']
You haven't had the guy that thinks crawling around the dance floor is a dance move yet then? (You've just had every other one :D)

Sounds like you've played in Atherstone...


[quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1356198301' post='1907915']
Sounds like you've played in Atherstone...

I've played nowhere, i just see that guy in places and think "Seriously dude? you were clearly plastered before the band even started setting up, go home".


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356198386' post='1907916']
I've played nowhere, i just see that guy in places and think "Seriously dude? you were clearly plastered before the band even started setting up, go home".

Sounds like you've [s]played [/s] i[s]n [/s] been to Atherstone...

Fixed... :D


[quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1356199508' post='1907925']
Sounds like you've [s]played [/s] i[s]n [/s] been to Atherstone...

Fixed... :D

haha, nope, just ballycastle, where alcohol is served to anybody over the age of 2.


[quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1356198301' post='1907915']
Sounds like you've played in Atherstone...
Gah! Another place I can't stand. A mate of mine, one of the genuinely nicest people you could ever wish to meet, was nearly killed while out in Atherstone one night, by a gang of 15 blokes just looking for a fight. They attacked him out of nowhere and didn't stop hitting and kicking him until he was thoroughly broken and unconscious. Took him months to recover, physically, he was never the same again mentally, though.

Posted (edited)

Just hearing a Birmingham accent sends em into a rage

Nice little town for shops and such during the day, you need to go there on a night to believe the difference. I saw two women in wheelchairs fighting in a takeaway one night. They have a yearly violent football match, where whoever is still standing after so long is the winner. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0rc95zgHDw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0rc95zgHDw[/url]


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1356023353' post='1905935']

The more info you put in a post, the more you leave out.
What a ridiculous statement! Is the converse true?
If you post a message that's blank, have you said everything you need about the (unstated) topic?


[quote name='AussieBassman' timestamp='1356206619' post='1908021']
What a ridiculous statement! Is the converse true?
If you post a message that's blank, have you said everything you need about the (unstated) topic?
[/quote] [i]Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln[/i] ?


[quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1356209812' post='1908085']
[i]Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln[/i] ?

My history teacher always said that, but in a different way- "It's better to let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it... so shut up Milton!"


[quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1355743447' post='1901977']

This 'lad' was telling me how he could have put a 'buring solo" in "Superstition" - I replied "why", it doesn't have a wa***ng guitar in it. If Stevie Wonder wanted one he'd have written one.
He said he could put solo's in our set to make it better. I told him people didn't like that and he'd spoil the songs.


There is a live version of Superstition from Madison square Garden 2009 on Youtube With Jeff Beck joining Stevie Wonder. Solo works quite well - no-one seems to mind him "joining in",

Still the "lad" probably isn't quite up to his standard....


Yes there are some bottom feeders round here... but then I'm a Coventrarian so there you go.

I also play in a "Pub" band, and have truly no interest in the corporate scene, I'd find it soul destroying. To be fair to the less "sympathetic" replies, the OP did come across just a smidge arrogant.

As Ozzy once said - "You meet a lot of people on the way up - dont f+++ with them as you meet them on the way down too"

There is a funny atmosphere on here since the big upheaval of the summer - hope it improves

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1356216609' post='1908167']
To be fair to the less "sympathetic" replies, the OP did come across just a smidge arrogant.

Not to me. Maybe a smidge unexperienced in setting the scene without going a trifle overboard. Arrogant? Never!
BTW, I don't know the guy at all, and am just expressing this after having read his posts in this thread.


Edited by BassTractor

[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356250872' post='1908314']
Lol, he would have been if he wasn't a woman :D

He was only a woman through the week :P


[quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1356296027' post='1908983']
He was only a woman through the week :P

and then a lady on the weekends? lol.

This is actually making me sick. lol. Her husband was also a history teacher in the next room. We think they married because they were the same height (incredibly small). Oh yeah, her husband was also the vice principle, and the both of them were the only teachers who actually cared about the pupils.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1356298805' post='1909021']
Vice principle, so this was in America then?

Is that really an american term? We had a headmistress, so he would hardly be called the vice headmistress.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356299316' post='1909029']
Is that really an american term?[/quote]

'Fraid so, in the UK a Principle - for those that have any - would be a Don.......... :ph34r:

............... or is it a Dean........?

.............. either way - your vice-principle was the deputy headteacher.

Edited by Big_Stu

At the risk of returning to the original topic, the random guitarist that wants to muscle into the band is not that different from the punter that wants to get up and sing. What they don't realise is that you've [i]earned[/i] your place on that stage (even if it's the corner of a pub between the quiz machine and the door to the toilets). You've carefully chosen your kit and paid for it (you may still be doing so), you've worked on your technique, you've practised the material at home, you've rehearsed with the band, you've hustled for gigs, you've had setbacks and let-downs, you've carted shed loads of kit into the venue (and will reverse the process after you finish), and now (to quote Martine McCutcheon), this is your moment.

You [i]deserve[/i] to be on that stage playing, and people that wander up and think they can have a go? They [i]don't[/i].

I'll get off me soap-box now, before I fall off. ;)


[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1356299796' post='1909034']
'Fraid so, in the UK a Principle - for those that have any - would be a Don.......... :ph34r:

............... or is it a Dean........?

.............. either way - your vice-principle was the deputy headteacher.

Well sorry, but you all clearly knew what i meant. That was just a massive run through Pedanticland.


[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1356300171' post='1909037']
You [i]deserve[/i] to be on that stage playing, and people that wander up and think they can have a go? [/quote]

Yes. It just shows just how important they think you are and how important music is to them in general, i.e. not very!


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356299316' post='1909029']
Is that really an american term? We had a headmistress, so he would hardly be called the vice headmistress.
We had Heads and Deputy Heads.

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