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[quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1356301133' post='1909056']
We had Heads and Deputy Heads.

Yes, but we are talking about a school where an old priest came into our classroom one day and said "You's are all working away like blacks". I mean, he was fairly old, but holy hell, what a thing to say to a bunch of impressionable kids! believe me, having the un-PC terms for the principle/headmistress/ head teacher whatever, was the least of the schools worries!


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356301320' post='1909060']

Yes, but we are talking about a school where an old priest came into our classroom one day and said "You's are all working away like blacks". I mean, he was fairly old, but holy hell, what a thing to say to a bunch of impressionable kids! believe me, having the un-PC terms for the principle/headmistress/ head teacher whatever, was the least of the schools worries!

Maybe you misread him and he was in fact impressed with the black pupils work ethic and thought you were all slackers?! Benefit of the doubt but probably just a rascist old get.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1356304125' post='1909102']
Not "Working like a n******"? It's a song title and old expression. Not very pc now though.

Well basschat don't like the n word then.

Edited by TimR

[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1356302498' post='1909080']
Maybe you misread him and he was in fact impressed with the black pupils work ethic and thought you were all slackers?! Benefit of the doubt but probably just a rascist old get.

No, he was saying we were working fantastically. There were no (and have never been) any black people in my class.


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356300630' post='1909045']
Well sorry, but you all clearly knew what i meant. That was just a massive run through Pedanticland.

Have you not been here before then?


[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1356300171' post='1909037']
At the risk of returning to the original topic, the random guitarist that wants to muscle into the band is not that different from the punter that wants to get up and sing. What they don't realise is that you've [i]earned[/i] your place on that stage (even if it's the corner of a pub between the quiz machine and the door to the toilets). You've carefully chosen your kit and paid for it (you may still be doing so), you've worked on your technique, you've practised the material at home, you've rehearsed with the band, you've hustled for gigs, you've had setbacks and let-downs, you've carted shed loads of kit into the venue (and will reverse the process after you finish), and now (to quote Martine McCutcheon), this is your moment.

You [i]deserve[/i] to be on that stage playing, and people that wander up and think they can have a go? They [i]don't[/i].

I'll get off me soap-box now, before I fall off. ;)

Well said! We provide entertainment (hopefully) not karaoke!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1356353318' post='1909412']
Just thought I'd pop in: see the old thread is still limping along.......I was rather hoping the apocalypse on Friday would have killed it off!

Nope, this one will be there with the cockroaches and Peavey Mark 1V's :P

Edited, %$^("^* spelling :rolleyes: ).

Edited by karlfer

[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1356366985' post='1909594']
Earned? Deserve? I'll agree not to call anyone arrogant this time as it seems to upset people, but, come on, aren't we being a bit precious?

I think what's being inferred is that when you've worked hard getting your performance up to a certain standard, why on earth would you willingly involve somebody else who you know won't meet that standard (not necessarily through their level of ability either) when you're engaged as a professional outfit to provide that standard of performance.

It's a business decision as much as anything, why jeopardise your reputation by getting someone up, even "for a jam", when you know it'll be crap. Only takes one potential client to be there watching that tune and it's a booking lost. Simple as that, really, especially if its your main income.


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1356385524' post='1909887']
We're talking about one guy, playing one tune in a pub right?

Well, I can't speak for the OP and he's the only person in the thread who knows the guy, but I got the impression it's one guy who consistently rags on the OP and his band because he doesn't think their guitarists deploy enough widdling and insists he'd be a superior (and widdlier) replacement, when the OP's experience of seeing the guy play suggests quite the opposite.

Sound like somebody you'd invite up with your band?

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