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Our drummer said..........


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Firstly I'll set the scene. Tonight we're playing The Troggs Wild Thing and our drummer oohs the Ocarina solo using a bag of peanuts as a prop. Don't ask. We get to the solo and the oohs are totally out of tune, strange looks all round. After the set our drummer says, "I had the right note in my head but when it came out of the foldback it had changed. I think the foldback changed my notes". I had to walk away.

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Ah, this old chestnut again. As a drummer, he's rocking to and fro during the solo; this provokes a Doppler shift. Headset foldback should 'cure' this, or heavier chains to restrict even further his movements. Don't let him eat the peanuts after midnight (but you already knew that, didn't you..?).

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