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As a band, we've decided to go for IEMs.

Our drummer/lead already has a set, as does our keyboard player (they used to be in a band together playing with them etc)

Anyway. The basic plan appears to be to run 3 channels out of the mixer for smaller gigs - vox1 for lead singer, vox2 for drummer/lead2, and a instruments mix. (for keys, me , and guitar) then we would have a 20 quid mixer each to mix as we chose
I am a little worried that we wont be able to hear enough of ourselves in that, to which the reply was, you'll still have your amps on stage... but the singers just want to be able to hear themselves.... (we have no monitors in our setup, only the sound man has monitors for the bigger gigs...)
My personal thoughts were , just buy a set of monitors.... or just a powered monitor , for the singer, we're fine with our amps. Long term we are going ampless anyway

Anyway, the real question is :

On a budget of say. 100-150 quid, what is
a) good for a bassist? I'm reading most places that you want to get triple drivers.
B) good sound reduction (I wear earplugs all the time)
c) is it worth going wireless or just stay wired?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you looking at £150 for the whole rig, or just for the triple driver phones? Doubt it will be enough money.
I paid £180 for a basic but good setup, and another £250 for custom single-driver monitors (ACS T3s). ACS triple driver monitors are £599 and up...but are very good. The badic phones that came with the rig were useless for bass, but seem ok for most other things.

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I use a dead simple set up right now. I use a Rolls mixer and a pair of T-bone earphones.I was using a pair
of Shure's but after they broke I tried out the T-bone's and they do the job fine....and they were £40. They take
out enough external noise and I can hear everything clearly-and I have my bass slightly louder than everything
else.Triple drivers are great if you are happy to spend the money on them,but I don't think they are essential. A friend
of mine blew a pair of Ultimate Ears triple drivers and now uses a pair of Shure that were about half the cost of the UE's
and much prefers them.
I use a wired system-I'm not wireless with my bass so it doesn't really make a difference.
The big issue for me would only be running 3 monitor channels.The reason I like in ears is because you can get your
own personal mix at a good volume.If you are sharing a mix with keys and guitar players then the only thing you can
do personally is alter your volume,and all 3 of you will have to compromise on your in ear mix.

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