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The Bongo thread...


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[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1358254028' post='1935582']
I reckon someone's already nailed it in the partner thread to this one. I'd never seen a compensated nut up close like that, so I reckon MM20 assumed the step on the G was broken & told it wasn't. The "blemish" polished out, so there was a whole lot of egg looking for a face to occupy.
Just a theory.

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^
So, a broken case. Easily remedied.

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[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1358253189' post='1935553']


An opinion is formed AFTER the consideration of facts. That the facts might be wrong does not cause the fact to become an opinion - just an error. That in turn causes errors in the resultant opinion.

The words are not interchangeable in any way, when applied properly.

For example - the crack in the case.

Gaz said there was a crack. That is either accurate or it is not. Either way, it is not an opinion.

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[quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1358254922' post='1935609']
So, a broken case. Easily remedied.

Yes, but there is still the "fact" that the bass took eight months to arrive when he was quoted four, and that comminications with the store seemed to be woefully inadequate. I think these factors were kind of forgotten when all the other stuff kicked off. :unsure:

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1358255845' post='1935635']

Yes, but there is still the "fact" that the bass took eight months to arrive when he was quoted four, and that comminications with the store seemed to be woefully inadequate. I think these factors were kind of forgotten when all the other stuff kicked off. :unsure:

Fair enough.

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[quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1358254966' post='1935610']

An opinion is formed AFTER the consideration of facts. That the facts might be wrong does not cause the fact to become an opinion - just an error. That in turn causes errors in the resultant opinion.

The words are not interchangeable in any way, when applied properly.

For example - the crack in the case.

Gaz said there was a crack. That is either accurate or it is not. Either way, it is not an opinion.

Oh, you mean a factoid.

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[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1358254144' post='1935587']
But if someone was close to naming a shop...for example, then how unthinking was that..?? putting it politely


Someone did name the shop, although it wasnt Gareth and Gareth didnt respond to the post so he has never mentioned the name of the shop, nor was he going to. It just seemed to be someone jumping in and showing us how cleaver he was at adding 1 plus 1 plus 1 and coming up with 3.

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1358255845' post='1935635']
Yes, but there is still the "fact" that the bass took eight months to arrive when he was quoted four, and that comminications with the store seemed to be woefully inadequate. I think these factors were kind of forgotten when all the other stuff kicked off. :unsure:

The way i read it was that the shop didnt hold it for 4 months, they took about a week, maybe 10 days to get it to Gareth once they got it (i could be wrong it was a long thread). If the shop didnt have it then its not really fair to put all the blame on them, when we know full well the route it had to take and the hold up was further down the chain.
Im not excusing the shop for the way they miss treated Gareth but i cant see how the long delay was their fault.

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The delay will most likely be due to the sheer volume of orders being processed by EBMM and the priority being given to Bongo production at a given time . It's in everybody else in the chains' intrest to get the bass to the customer as quickly as possible so they can get paid , I would think .

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[quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358259231' post='1935735']
The delay will most likely be due to the sheer volume of orders being processed by EBMM and the priority being given to Bongo production at a given time . It's in everybody else in the chains' intrest to get the bass to the customer as quickly as possible so they can get paid , I would think .

Exactly my thinking. While the shop is the first point of contact there will only be so much they can do.

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1358252977' post='1935542']
OK. I get the bit about potential libel. Fair enough.

[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1358253087' post='1935547']
Libel/embarrassment - same difference.

Absolutely. And I don't think either would have speeded resolution.

Apologies, of course. I was well aware this wouldn't please everyone

I'm happy to give Gareth some space, now, to resolve this. Let's hope he gets the bass he wants - and then let's hope we get the thread we want, which will be NBD and full of pictures :)

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[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1358257929' post='1935685']
Someone did name the shop, although it wasnt Gareth and Gareth didnt respond to the post so he has never mentioned the name of the shop, nor was he going to. It just seemed to be someone jumping in and showing us how cleaver he was at adding 1 plus 1 plus 1 and coming up with 3.

yes...doesn't hellp delicate negotiations if you are trying to get a settlement..

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[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1358257929' post='1935685']
Someone did name the shop, although it wasnt Gareth... he has never mentioned the name of the shop, nor was he going to. [/quote]

Not strictly true I'm afraid. Gareth told me (and, I believe, some other NE-based members) by PM which shop it was. So he could be regarded as having broken confidence - a confidence which [i]we[/i] kept!

[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1358258187' post='1935694']
If the shop didnt have it then its not really fair to put all the blame on them, i cant see how the long delay was their fault.

I don't recall many people blaming the shop for the delay. However, the way they handled it was poor. As the initial deadline approached, and it was clear to them that it would not be met, they could have pre-empted Gareth's contact and simply told him that there were problems. That is good customer service. He should not have had to ask where his missing bass was.

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1358260278' post='1935769']
Not strictly true I'm afraid. Gareth told me (and, I believe, some other NE-based members) by PM which shop it was. So he could be regarded as having broken confidence - a confidence which [i]we[/i] kept!

I don't recall many people blaming the shop for the delay. However, the way they handled it was poor. As the initial deadline approached, and it was clear to them that it would not be met, they could have pre-empted Gareth's contact and simply told him that there were problems. That is good customer service. He should not have had to ask where his missing bass was.

My point was it wasn't posted by Gareth on a public forum, nor did he ever acknowledge any guesses about the shop.

There were many people telling him to go and get his money back, and how he was getting messed about by the shop. Some said they would have done it months ago etc. At no point were MM or S&T ever blamed for the hold up, it was all directed at the "nameless" shop, and sounded liek a bunch of hot heads wanting to stir things up.
We dont know the exact words used by the shop to Gareth, the delays in replying to him could well have been because they were waiting for replies themselves.

Im in no way defending anyone, just criticising a lot of the earlier posts that seemed to offer no real help, and didnt seem to take all the facts known at the time in to consideration.
I suppose these were just different views to mine but thats how i feel about that thread.

Edited by dave_bass5
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[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1358260793' post='1935784']
Im just criticising a lot of the earlier posts that seemed to offer no real help, and didnt seem to take all the facts known at the time in to consideration.
I suppose these were just different views to mine but thats how i feel about that thread.

I can see that. But threads will always take on a life of their own after a certain length of time or number of posts. It is not the property of the OP and therefore (in my opinion) the OP should have no right to close a thread down.

I think this particular thread was a bit of a one-off in the strange way that we were updated in dribs and drabs about an ongoing situation. They were more like throwaway FB status-updates rather than posts to a forum!

There were several silly comments made that reflected badly on the poster. WoT, in particular, gave the OP a bit of a cross-examination in order to get closer to the facts and separate them from the opinions. I think he was acting in our interests in doing so, but can see how others might take the OP's side and think he was going a bit far.

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[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1358261420' post='1935799']
How many threads are there now about the old thread? I make this at least 2 now...
How exciting...

Which demostrates that the original thread had not "run its course". Concerns about libel are a different thing however, but maybe certain posts could have been removed rather than deleting the entire thread?

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1358261688' post='1935804']
I can see that. But threads will always take on a life of their own after a certain length of time or number of posts. It is not the property of the OP and therefore (in my opinion) the OP should have no right to close a thread down.

I think this particular thread was a bit of a one-off in the strange way that we were updated in dribs and drabs about an ongoing situation. They were more like throwaway FB status-updates rather than posts to a forum!

There were several silly comments made that reflected badly on the poster. WoT, in particular, gave the OP a bit of a cross-examination in order to get closer to the facts and separate them from the opinions. I think he was acting in our interests in doing so, but can see how others might take the OP's side and think he was going a bit far.

I agree with that. I think if the info, or more info, had been forthcoming, and quicker then some posts might not have been made, but that cant be blamed on Gareth as he was of course waiting to hear back form various parties at the same time. A lot of his posts were quite calm and brief, i felt for him, but i can understand others pushing for more info, like you say, once started there is no way of telling how it will go.

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1358261688' post='1935804']WoT, in particular, gave the OP a bit of a cross-examination in order to get closer to the facts and separate them from the opinions. I think he was acting in our interests in doing so, but can see how others might take the OP's side and think he was going a bit far.[/quote]

I think his own diagnosis on how he appeared to be was fairly spot on.

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