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Recommended replacement Jazz Pickups/Pre


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Hi all,
Want to upgrade the Pre & Pickups in my Yam BB605. I love the bass, but don't feel like I get much out of the eq/pickups compared to my other basses, so it'd be nice to upgrade it.
I wouldn't mind going for something Passive, would be (easier to install?) and nice to have a simple layout on the bass.
At the moment it has; Volume, Pickup Pan, Bass, Treble, and a switchable mid (which I never use) - so plenty of holes ready.
Any recommended brands I should be looking at? I had a quick look online but a point in the right direction would be great.

Edited by MarshallBTB
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Not that familiar with the 605, has it got Jazz bass style pickups, soapbars or Yamaha's PJ stylee ones?

If its the latter you may well be stuck, however if its the Jazz Bass style ones like the pic, then there's a load of pickups available, and it depends what you like (old school growl, modern clarity etc. etc.) as to what works best for you...

If you want to go passive then you're going to struggle to fill all those holes to be honest, but you could consider:
Volume for each pickup, tone for each pickups, pickup selector switch and master volume (although probably a bit redundant)

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Thats the one! (but in black :))
I'm not worried about having dummy knobs, but I think volume, pickup pan, tone for each pickup would only leave the two holes from the mid control + switch. I did think about adding some kind of switchable effect there, just for a mess about, but we'll see how I get on with the pre first.
Or.... I do some experimenting by swapping out the pickups first, and If I get what I want then change the mid control for an active/passive switch? No idea how easy/difficult this is so just ideas for now.

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to be honest it depends entirely on what you want out of your bass and what you use it for

for example on my 5 string i use for function bands and theatre shows so i need something versatile but very clear

this means Bartolini pups and a john east preamp

if your ever in london your welcome to come over and see if you like the sound

my advice would be to try a few different combinations if you can and figure out what you like


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