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Jimi Hendrix - Stockholm 1969


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[b]Jimi Hendrix - Stockholm 1969[/b]

Just stumbled across this... love the way they didn't bother to tune up before they came on stage. Then they tune up a bit... yet they're still out of tune. Eee, y'tell t'young kids today and they just won't believe yer. :)


Is this the right forum for this, by the way? That cress I smoked earlier has confused me.

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I saw a vid of a gig by TREX (not in the same league, I know) in around 1973 or 1974 and they did much the same... shambled on stage, farted about, adjusted things, spent ages tuning up, but with the audience of young girls screaming all the while.

A different age, wasn't it? I suppose the attitude was, 'Hey, we're the talent. And we're tripping. You lot wait till we're good and ready'. Not like now, where every musician is a snivelling excuse of a big pair of girl's knickers, has to be 'professional', not get too out of it and grovel to the merest whim of 'the punters'. There, I've said it. :D

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[quote name='spike' timestamp='1358368528' post='1938062']
I like Noel's hat

Noel's hat is still in circulation, but after so much washing over the years it's a quite bleached and has shrunk to 2 sizes smaller.
I wonder where I saw it recently......mmm? It's round here somewhere........................

Thanks for the post.

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Ah, 1969, remember it well. No tuners in those days. No amps back stage either, in fact it was either a tuning fork or an out of tune piano, no one I knew played harmonica. You'd press your ear to your bass and hope to hear the notes but if there was a back stage it was usually pretty noisy so what did we do? We walked on stage and tuned before we started to play just like Hendrix. Not play amazingly like Hendrix I mean but just play music.

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I've got both the Stockholm '69 shows on audio. I think there was an early and a late.

The second show seems to be 'the one' where it all came together....but TBH, the Experience on a bad day is still a million times better than most bands since.

Yes, I am an unapologetic Jimi devotee!

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358366078' post='1937980']... love the way they didn't bother to tune up before they came on stage. Then they tune up a bit... yet they're still out of tune. ...

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358369368' post='1938101']...
A different age, wasn't it? I suppose the attitude was, 'Hey, we're the talent. And we're tripping. You lot wait till we're good and ready'. Not like now, where every musician is a snivelling excuse of a big pair of girl's knickers, has to be 'professional', not get too out of it and grovel to the merest whim of 'the punters'. There, I've said it. :D
That was certainly a different era. But .... wind the clock back a few years more, say to when the Byrds toured the UK in '65, and they were lambasted for tuning up on stage. All professional bands then were expected to have got themselves sorted beforehand, and come on and play the right number of songs at the right hour, etc.

So perhaps we've just gone back in time to the mid '60s, not the late '60s. :)

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[quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1358420368' post='1938707']
....The second show seems to be 'the one' where it all came together....

By 69 the band was falling apart anyway.

Hendrix didn't look happy at all and there was no communication between him and the others.

He definitely didn't look interested.

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358369368' post='1938101']
I saw a vid of a gig by TREX (not in the same league, I know) in around 1973 or 1974 and they did much the same... shambled on stage, farted about, adjusted things, spent ages tuning up, but with the audience of young girls screaming all the while.

A different age, wasn't it? I suppose the attitude was, 'Hey, we're the talent. And we're tripping. You lot wait till we're good and ready'. Not like now, where every musician is a snivelling excuse of a big pair of girl's knickers, has to be 'professional', not get too out of it and grovel to the merest whim of 'the punters'. There, I've said it. :D

What did you think of The Libertines?

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358421258' post='1938727']
Ha ha, me too. Obviously...

Me too.

The Doors were another late 60's combo to set up on stage. I remember seeing footage of one of their gigs (Also in Northern Europe I think....it'll come to me??), where the drummer spent almost the entire 1st song setting up his kit, they just started without him! Brilliant!

Woodstock was another one, absolutely chaotic for the most part, although trying to organise 1000's of musicians, who are all off their tits, in amongst half a million crowd members, equally off their tits, in awful weather conditions, I think they did a pretty good job, and it's nothing short of a miracle that it happened at all! :lol:

Different times, and expectations methinks. Everyones a critic these days too, one mistake, and it's all over youtube, every internet news site going, and lord knows where else. Also, and important I think, in them days, the audience were the [i]only[/i] ones who heard it, and they just wanted to be entertained, and have a good night.

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[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1358379186' post='1938390']
Ah, 1969, remember it well. [b]No tuners in those days[/b]. No amps back stage either, [b]in fact it was either a tuning fork or an out of tune piano[/b], no one I knew played harmonica. You'd press your ear to your bass and hope to hear the notes but if there was a back stage it was usually pretty noisy so what did we do? We walked on stage and tuned before we started to play just like Hendrix. Not play amazingly like Hendrix I mean but just play music.

I can clearly see an electronic tuner clipped to his headstock so your memories of the '60s prove you weren't there.

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[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1358429383' post='1938948']
Wow. You worked with Hendrix [i]and[/i] Docherty?

Some pedigree there.

No, just Hendrix. I refused to work with Doherty, he took a lot of drugs, turned up late and unrehearsed, and played out of tune and forgot his lyrics. Rank amateur.

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[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358430520' post='1938968']
I can clearly see an electronic tuner clipped to his headstock so your memories of the '60s prove you weren't there.

That's a tuner? That makes much more sense. My first thought was that it was a scone, and just left it at that. It was the '60s, best not question these things

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