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Hi all,

A 'hello' from a Dutchman living in Malmö, Sweden.

Having played different instruments on and off the stage over the last 30 years (started with synth, piano and later percussion), I decided last year to finally make the step I wanted to make for at least 10 years : learning the bass. So I went out, bought me a Yamaha RBX374 and started playing. After 2 months of practicing I found out that what I really wanted was that lush, warm fretless sound. So I got me a Squire fretless vintage jazzbass and never looked back. I have been scanning the net a little to find the most interesting forum and it seems that I found it here.....

So this year I hope to start gigging with my bass (have to find a band somehere first) and buy a better fretless bass (even though the Squire is actually quite ok) and have even more fun playing it.

That's it for now...



Oh oh! Dit gaat helemaal goed fout.

Nou, OK dan maar:
Welkom, jochie, van een oude orgel/synthman die ook slagwerk aan het leren is en een ruim jaar geleden is overgestapt op basgitaar, en die vorige week een fretloze bas heeft besteld die over een paar dagen aankomt.
Alleen: woon niet in Malmö maar in Zuid-Noorwegen.

Welcome, Ronald! You've got what it takes to be here: a net scanner and the ability to find out this is a good bass forum. Congrats!

Scan the vast site and its info, and join the chat.




Hello and welcome Ronald,

By the sounds of It you could be Berts long lost twin brother!.
Keep us posted of your fretless hunt and of the band when you find one.

Cheers Leen.


Oh oh! This is all very wrong.

Well, OK then:
Welcome, boy, an old organ / percussion synthman who also is learning and spacious years ago switched to bass, and last week a fretless bass has ordered that a few days arrive.
Only, do not live in Malmö but in southern Norway.
Gosh Young.

I think maybe a couple of things has happened here, either Dutch doesn't translate well into english, google sucks at translating (probably that one) or Bert just writes random rubbish... oh wait, we know it's that last one :D

Welcome. There's the toilets, there's the staff room, free tea and coffee, and here is your desk. Clock out at 5.

Posted (edited)

hahaha..... I really like the 'Gosh Young'. That could be a good band name, by the way (but what kind of music would come out of it...??). And 'spacious years', also a good one.

Edited by RWijchers

[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1358620623' post='1942404']
or Bert just writes random rubbish... oh wait, we know it's that last one :D


Quick attempt without Google Translate:
"Uh oh! This is going completely wrong.
Well ... OK then:
Welcome, pal* from an old organ/synth guy who also is learning to play the drums, and who switched to bass slightly over one year ago, and who, one week ago, ordered a fretless bass that will arrive in a few days.
Only: don't live in Malmö but in southern Norway.
Oh my gosh."

*) Literally: "little boy", but there's a component here that makes I personally even use it with older people. Tends to break the ice.


[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1358621630' post='1942431']

Quick attempt without Google Translate:
"Uh oh! This is going completely wrong.
Well ... OK then:
Welcome, pal* from an old organ/synth guy who also is learning to play the drums, and who switched to bass slightly over one year ago, and who, one week ago, ordered a fretless bass that will arrive in a few days.
Only: don't live in Malmö but in southern Norway.
Oh my gosh."

*) Literally: "little boy", but there's a component here that makes I personally even use it with older people. Tends to break the ice.

Oh... haha.


[quote name='Grafen' timestamp='1358624821' post='1942515']
Tjenare! I'm curious too hear what skånska sounds like with a dutch accent, probably the most fricative-heavy combination anywhere. ;)

Yes well..... when I speak Swedish everybody always asks me immediately "oh, are you from Holland ?". But the last name (Wijchers) is a dead givaway as well, of course

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1358634651' post='1942722']

Sigh... my dream is to live in southern Sweden. One day...

Anyway, enjoy the forum, it's a great place :)

My answer would be : well, if you really dream of living in southern Sweden, I guess you must be living in northern Sweden then...? :)

just kidding, although for me personally this is as high up as I will ever go. In winter, anyway....

Edited by RWijchers

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