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Its a crazy long shot as these heads are big and weighty but im thinking or trading in my headlite and 112 to grab a 2nd hand ad200b.

its a long shot i know but im really gasing hard for the valve love again! i know the orange doesnt have a di but that easily sorted so im not to fussed.

had an ad140b years ago and loved it, and im back in bands that the orange sound would really fit.

what are the chance of me grabbing an ad for 650/700?

i know theres other valve heads out there but they are a bit to much.

and matamps are way out of my price range!



I picked up an AD200 for £750 so they can be found cheaply. I'd say £7-800 is standard for them 2nd hand. I've been thinking the same myself lately...

Posted (edited)

I thought about this too, but just couldn't give up the convenience of SS... how about an SS power amp with your choice of valve amp emulation? Valve amp emulation is getting very good now, y'know... the B3's sigmoid curve clipper is a case in point...

Mind you, with a real valve amp you do get the proper vibe... and the weight... and the worry...
...not trying to put you off or anything... :D ;)[size=4] [/size]

Edited by discreet

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359050254' post='1949104']
I thought about this too, but just couldn't give up the convenience of SS... how about an SS power amp with your choice of valve amp emulation? Valve amp emulation is getting very good now, y'know... the B3's sigmoid curve clipper is a case in point...

Mind you, with a real valve amp you do get the proper vibe... and the weight... and the worry...
...not trying to put you off or anything... :D ;)

well i used to have an aguilar db750 which was awesome, dnt really care about the weight, and i never hear of orange amps having issues.

i do have some interest in the terror bass but its the cleanish head room would give probs also the hot di, not that im implying that the ad has got loads of clean headroom.

i know i could by a sansamp and a littlemark 2 and get a valve sound but i rem when i had my ad140b that it sounded so much more full an weighty.



Posted (edited)

[quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1359050916' post='1949119']
i know i could by a sansamp and a littlemark 2 and get a valve sound...[/quote]

I did something similar a while back and it was pretty good. The B3's amp sims are brillliant - if you spend enough time tweaking them. [size=4]But it's true, there's nothing quite like seeing those hot tubes glowing. [/size] :)

Edited by discreet

I've long been seduced by those beautiful glowing bottles and the 'magic' contained within..

A very hippy and airy fairy response from me but I love 'em. :D


[quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1359052602' post='1949147']
I've long been seduced by those beautiful glowing bottles and the 'magic' contained within..
[size=4]A very hippy and airy fairy response from me but I love 'em. [/size] :D

I gigged an Ampeg SVT CL back in the day and loved it. In fact, I've spent most of my time since then trying to recreate that sound.
I should have saved myself a shedload of grief and cash and just bought another SVT! :D


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359052869' post='1949153']
I gigged an Ampeg SVT CL back in the day and loved it. In fact, I've spent most of my time since then trying to recreate that sound.
I should have saved myself a shedload of grief and cash and just bought another SVT! :D

yeh svt's are nice but the ad is more what im after, more warm


[quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1359055702' post='1949223']
Could probably do better than the Orange for that sort of money going vintage, and serviced properly.

care to name a few? only other heads that ive seen are svt, vba 400 and the ashdowns.

theres a nice one on here but not interested in trades and ive got no funds to offer.


Posted (edited)

There have been two or three Traynor YBA-300s on here fairly recently.
They're quite affordable, but I don't think they have 'that' valve sound you're looking for.

Edited by discreet

[quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1359056518' post='1949250']
care to name a few? only other heads that ive seen are svt, vba 400 and the ashdowns.

theres a nice one on here but not interested in trades and ive got no funds to offer.


See link in my sig. There are dozens.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1359050916' post='1949119']

i know i could by a sansamp and a littlemark 2 and get a valve sound

I know that low fat spread tastes so much better than salty butter and alcohol-free lager is more yummy than London Pride.

Edited by Sean

When buying second hand valve amps always factor in that you may have to replace some or all of the valves immediately or in the near future. Not being a downer, I use valve amps myself, love em to bits, but I also service and repair gear and its a common issue with guitar and bass amps when people buy second hand and there is no warranty. Maybe worth asking the seller to have the amp serviced and checked out by a tech before you buy, kind of an MOT. Also if the amp is old or "vintage" ask if its been re capped at any point, its not a major expense but it all adds to the initial outlay.
Good luck , cheers Just


TBH, I'd rather buy a cheaper amp not serviced and send it to a tech I trust (like Subthumper) than trust what some people seem to regard as 'serviced', which generally means 'nice vintage valves stolen, and replaced with cheapies' much too often. I at least steal the vintage caps and replace them too.


The Ad200 does seem to be a pretty robust amp though. I know of one that gets thrashed stupid several times a week with few problems over the last couple of years that I've known the owner of it. If you like the sound of it I'd say go for it. They are bloody heavy though no worse than any other 200w valve head I can think of, and certainly less heavy than an SVT.


[quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1359074712' post='1949676']
They are bloody heavy though no worse than any other 200w valve head I can think of, and certainly less heavy than an SVT.

Thing is, they are a 160w amp, maybe 165. Don't run the KT88s hard enough, so they can get away with cheapies.


My Little Bastard does the trick very nicely for me. It's hardly a powerhouse, but those glorious 30watts through enough speakers really do get me going. And if i need a little more, the o/p transformer tapped DI is there.

Posted (edited)

You should definitely give the Terror bass a try if you haven't already. The clean headroom, hot DI and noisy fan are all easy and cheap to fix, and if you want very clean and very loud there's always the 1000W version!

I went from the Terror to the AD200B, then back again, ultimately because of the light weight and the fact it didn't need regular servicing. The tone is close enough that I was happy with the compromise.

Edited by dannybuoy

ive thought about the terror bass, the fan noise isnt what puts me of its more the di, i know its a cheap fix but that bit is just something else to go wrong.

not that they sound bad but id be missing the valves i think ( iknow ill get slated for saying that) thhe weight isnt really a problem as our guitarist has a all valve marshall and i help him out so he'd be cool to help me.

and on the point of other valve amps i just dont know enough about the older amp to trust them, and after listening to some videos the traynor isnt the right kinda sound, i really like the want darker tones you can get with the ad200b.

im really regreting selling my ad140b now! the stupid things you do in youth!



[quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1359114648' post='1950046']
Turns out the dude who bought one of my 200w PAs is using a pair for his home stereo.

un modded? pretty dvvm

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