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*SOLD* Markbass Mark Stand *£20 posted*

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[b]*SOLD* Markbass Mark Stand *£20 posted*[/b]

The twenty-first century equivalent of the beer crate - only this folds flat and fits neatly in your gig bag. Forms a very strong wedge to angle the front of your combo/cab up off the floor and towards your eager lug-holes.

Very good for small venues/pub gigs etc. where you're forced to stand close to your rig and can't hear it because it's firing directly into your ankles. Surplus to requirements as I'm now using two cabs.

This is the more desirable yellow/black logo type[size=4], not the white-on-black version.[/size]


Now selling new for around £30 plus p+p believe it or not, so I'm looking for [b]£20 posted.[/b] Item is in full working order and is in good condition. Bank transfer, please. Item will be well packed and I will send tracking information on despatch.

The most affordable bit of Markbass gear you'll see today! :D

I thank you. :)

Edited by discreet
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