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Mixing Competition/Learning Resource - February POLL ADDED

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Posted (edited)

cheers mate the reason the snare sounds snappy is cos its a sample snare i've hardly got any compression on the snare at all but besides that thanks for the advice :)

simon where are you thinking theres slapback on the vocal? i've run the effects track through a phaser might be what your hearing?

Edited by Chrismanbass

[quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1362079470' post='1995536']
cheers mate the reason the snare sounds snappy is cos its a sample snare i've hardly got any compression on the snare at all but besides that thanks for the advice :)

simon where are you thinking theres slapback on the vocal? i've run the effects track through a phaser might be what your hearing?

Aha then it wasnt always getting triggered off the snare in the track - have another listen, there are a few 'missed' snares that are there in the OH but arent coming through with the sample...


Cheers Si

I am getting a better feel for the sound now , though sometimes I know something isn't right but am not sure what treatment it needs ,

[quote] Bass sound is nice especially in mellow middle section! [/quote]

I liked that too :rolleyes: , I duplicated the bass tracks and had them EQ'd low and mid seperately and panned opposite, so that it had the effect of stretching the space , I think it worked OK when there was enough room to hear it


[quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1362079470' post='1995536']
cheers mate the reason the snare sounds snappy is cos its a sample snare i've hardly got any compression on the snare at all but besides that thanks for the advice :)
Thats either a really compressed snare sample, or its being compressed in a buss further down the chain then, its got all the hallmarks of a very fast attack compression setting on it, with quite a low threshold and a medium ratio (ie somewhere between 2:1 and 4:1).

[quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1362079470' post='1995536']
simon where are you thinking theres slapback on the vocal? i've run the effects track through a phaser might be what your hearing?

Its the reverb on the vocal, it either has some predelay set, or a predelay built in before a fairly hefty whack of early reflections comes back, which is exactly what a slapback delay is supposed to be mimicking. Early reflection ratios (ie how loud they are compared to the main body of a reverb) are super important to get to grips with in this stuff.


[quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1362085609' post='1995670']
Cheers Si
I am getting a better feel for the sound now , though sometimes I know something isn't right but am not sure what treatment it needs ,

Its like anything mate, the more you work at it the more you find out you dont know until at some point you start to feel like you are really getting to grips with it, then someone will come along who is so far ahead of you that you realise that everything you learnt so far is still just the tip of the iceberg :D. I love it!


So sonce we are now in March I declare the Feb competition closed, the results are in:-
[*]51m0n: https://soundcloud.com/51m0n-1/mission-ray/s-xnnqG (5 votes [45.45%])
[*]Chrismanbass: https://soundcloud.com/chris-hallam-1/mission-ray-final (0 votes [0.00%])
[*]lurksalot: https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/mission-ray-v2 (1 votes [9.09%])
[*]butlerk02: https://soundcloud.com/butlerk02/mr-basschat (1 votes [9.09%])
[*]moonbass: https://soundcloud.com/makossaband/mission-ray-4 (2 votes [18.18%])
[*]OldG: http://soundcloud.com/mickhastings/mission-ray-final (0 votes [0.00%])
[*]VasDim: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/70048273/Basschat.co.uk/Mission%20Ray%20-%20VasDim%60s%20Mix.mp3 (1 votes [9.09%])
[*]skol303: https://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/mission-ray-by-dientes (1 votes [9.09%])

Hmmm. Right I suggest Moonbass chooses the next track to mix. Do we have any suggestions or does anyoine have a track they would like us to have a crack at??

Next time I think we should go for a blind vote. So if people PM me the links to their mixes I will associate each with a letter and download them and then upload them in a soundcloud account precisely for the purpose of the poll which will be in a completely random order (naturally). I wont vote, since I may well be highly biased knowing who is doing what. Does that sound reasonable?


[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1362130577' post='1996076']
So sonce we are now in March I declare the Feb competition closed, the results are in:-[list=1]
[*]51m0n: [url="https://soundcloud.com/51m0n-1/mission-ray/s-xnnqG"]https://soundcloud.c...ion-ray/s-xnnqG[/url] (5 votes [45.45%])
[*]Chrismanbass: [url="https://soundcloud.com/chris-hallam-1/mission-ray-final"]https://soundcloud.c...ssion-ray-final[/url] (0 votes [0.00%])
[*]lurksalot: [url="https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/mission-ray-v2"]https://soundcloud.c.../mission-ray-v2[/url] (1 votes [9.09%])
[*]butlerk02: [url="https://soundcloud.com/butlerk02/mr-basschat"]https://soundcloud.c...k02/mr-basschat[/url] (1 votes [9.09%])
[*]moonbass: [url="https://soundcloud.com/makossaband/mission-ray-4"]https://soundcloud.c...d/mission-ray-4[/url] (2 votes [18.18%])
[*]OldG: [url="http://soundcloud.com/mickhastings/mission-ray-final"]http://soundcloud.co...ssion-ray-final[/url] (0 votes [0.00%])
[*]VasDim: [media]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/70048273/Basschat.co.uk/Mission%20Ray%20-%20VasDim%60s%20Mix.mp3[/media] (1 votes [9.09%])
[*]skol303: [url="https://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/mission-ray-by-dientes"]https://soundcloud.c...-ray-by-dientes[/url] (1 votes [9.09%])

Hmmm. Right I suggest Moonbass chooses the next track to mix. Do we have any suggestions or does anyoine have a track they would like us to have a crack at??

Next time I think we should go for a blind vote. So if people PM me the links to their mixes I will associate each with a letter and download them and then upload them in a soundcloud account precisely for the purpose of the poll which will be in a completely random order (naturally). I wont vote, since I may well be highly biased knowing who is doing what. Does that sound reasonable?

If it's on soundcloud you can still tell who's it is :)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='charic' timestamp='1362131000' post='1996088']
If it's on soundcloud you can still tell who's it is :)

Heh, no re-read what I said again mate.

1. Entrant sends me a PM with the link to their mix (could be soundcloud, could be box.net, could be dropbox.com, who cares)
2. I download the track, and rename it to say, A.wav (keeping a note of whom A.wav was sent to me by)
3. I upload A.wav to a new Soundcloud account
4. I link to the new soundcloud account with the obfuscated wavs in for people to vote on

I know which mix came from whom, no one else does. I don't vote, anyone else who wants to can, without having a username to suggest to them a mix maybe should be good. That way I can enter too.

That way even the entrants may not be entirely sure (althoug I think they will be pretty positive normally) which is theirs....

Edited by 51m0n

Well done Si! An excellent mix and some very insightful notes/feedback as always from you mate. Top notch :)

Interesting that you approached this with a 'big space' vibe going on... I imagined the track as being more 'Radio 1 Live Lounge' which just goes to show how we all treat each mix differently.

Nice idea about the blind vote this month. Hopefully I'll get my ass in gear and be able to dedicate more time to it! Although working at the last minute with so many stems did teach me a few useful lessons too... like spend more time on it ;)

Anyway, keep em coming!


Thanks to 51m0n and Skol for their reviews,

I'll fill in the gaps for 51m0n's below:

Slightly over compressed snare, kick is good and punchy, not big enough? Certainly pokes through, and competes with the bass though. Bit more EQ and that would be bang on!

Excellent! must mean I'm getting close.. :D

Nice bass sound there, gets a little lost against the guitars unfortunately

Bass level too low again - a bad habit of mine, noted :rolleyes:

Harsh funk guitar

I love that spiky tele/twin type sound - what can I say... :)

Trashy hats, they sound a bit 'pumpy', is there a compressor threshold/release or gate threshold/release thats opening and closing around them on something like the OH a bit? Some phase oddness perhaps...

Thats the gate settings on the kick/snare - I didnt want to lose too much of the hit, again inexperience. :rolleyes:

Very present guitars, nice, but maybe just bordering on the fizz I dont dig so much. I think you get away with it in the main.

I thought so... :D

Slightly middy vocal?

Now you mention it - yup needed EQ ;)

Dry - where is the sense of a space?

Hmm, 2 aux reverbs, a master verb and a delay on this already. I kinda liked the space I put it in ( I wasn't feeling 'big')

Gating itps ( or any in general) very welcome.

Posted (edited)

Well done all, especially Si! Thanks to everyone whose taken time to comment; I'm learning some really useful stuff from this thread and looking forward to getting to grips with next months stems.
I'm afraid I haven't got any tracks to offer for next month; I'd be happy to choose from others, but I'm sure Si deserves that honour after a well deserved win.
Everything I would have said about others tracks has been said so here's a few links to some stuff that I found useful this month instead:

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNfd-APQUfo&list=UUno8mYpnGhTA9COSW9sP8gQ"]Pensado's Place[/url]: Definitely worth subscribing

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFwOlfQY2AQ"]The Recording Revolution[/url]: For really useful basic level recording tutorials, like [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voHbR5HVWOM"]this[/url] to make big Zeppelin drums; I bought Mike Senior's book on it's recommendation, and it's amazing!

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0FpX200S1s&list=FLoMx_iKW1J7YhkqL6ro_6OA"]Rob Williams[/url]: Possibly controversial here, but I had fun anyway!!

[url="http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-much-gear-so-little-time/201855-how-haas-delay-panning.html"]Haas delays:[/url] Make your guitars sound biggerer.

Edited by moonbass
Posted (edited)

You dont have to provide the rtack at all, just choose one from peoples suggestions/offers. If anyone has a track they'd like to submit (we need the full set of stems) then now is the time to put forward your suggestions....

Edited by 51m0n

I've some stems if people want them.

It's a cover song and theres percussions & horn sections in there. If you want them, let me know as i'll have to bounce them as they're currently just sat in a protools session.


[quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1362403585' post='1999187']
Only just seen this thread.....would've liked to give it a go...is this something that happens every month?

Thats the plan There will be a new March competition thread as soon as we have chosen a track


[quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1362418180' post='1999397']
I've some stems if people want them.

It's a cover song and theres percussions & horn sections in there. If you want them, let me know as i'll have to bounce them as they're currently just sat in a protools session.

Can you put a link to it in this thread:-


And we can choose in there. Just to try and keep it al together in one place, please. It would be really helpful!

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