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Anyone use a DHA VT1-EQ/DI


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As above really. Torn between one of these and an Aguilar Tone Hammer.

Looking to add a bit of warmth/drive to my Precision/Markbass set-up, plus have the DI to FOH if required.

Only thing is, I don`t want to change the tone I currently have too much, just to add warmth/drive - the Aggie looks, from youtube as if there is little colouration of the sound, but there aren`t too many demos of the VT1-EQ/DI on youtube. I`ve tried Sansamp BDI, MXR M80, Behringer BDI21, and all colour the sound too much. I`ve alos tried many overdrive pedals, and didn`t like any.

So, can anyone offer any advice?

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I guess you've probably already checked out my youtube demo of the pedal. My thoughts are that if you like the vintage, "Ampegy", bass-frequencies-turn-into-a-fart-and-you-lose-you-note-attack type of OD then the VT1 is better. If you like tighter, more modern, keep-your-attack type drive then the Aguilar is the one to go for. Simples.

I still advise that EVERYBODY tries out the Ashdown Lomenzo drive. It is fantastic for this sort of thing, although doesn't have the DI obviously. It's OD is most natural and pleasant to my ear. In fact I must get around to doing a demo vid of it, that shows what it can do apart from Mr. Lomenzo's style (which if course it also does admirably).

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I owned the very same pedal that hamfist demoed (I bought it from him). I thought it sounded very nice but I only really used it as a clean preamp, occasionally I'd add a bit of hair and it sounded pretty good to my ears. I sold it because it was just total overkill for what I needed, and I wanted something that didn't need a power supply.

If you're not looking to colour the sound too much maybe you want something with a clean blend? I use a Hartke Bass Attack now, again mostly as a clean preamp but the clean blend feature is really useful for maintaining the characteristics of your bass.

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I've got a VT1 DIEQ and love it. I've changed the tube for a 12AU7 for less grit, and it sounds brilliant. TBH it's on all the time, as my amp (SWR) is super clean, so this 'GRRRR's it up nicely.

I recorded a short demo last week here:


Fretless Jazz into the VT1 into Protools - no compression or additional processing. It'll go MUCH dirtier, but this was enough for the track I'm working on.

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Thanks guys, both of the sound-clips/reviews have really nice sounds.

I suppose, what I`m after really is a kind of Mike Dirnt type sound from my current set-up, where it`s warmed up slightly, but will have some gain on it when I hit the strings harder, much like a valve-amp really. I`m sure the DHA would do this at a lower gain setting, plus, would be nice to buy British as well.

I`ve seen the Hartke VXL clips and not overkeen on it. So far it`s between the DHA and the Aggie - and I like both, aaaarrrggghhh!

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[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1360145107' post='1965429']

I suppose, what I`m after really is a kind of Mike Dirnt type sound from my current set-up, where it`s warmed up slightly, but will have some gain on it when I hit the strings harder, much like a valve-amp really. I`m sure the DHA would do this at a lower gain setting, plus, would be nice to buy British as well.

I`ve seen the Hartke VXL clips and not overkeen on it. So far it`s between the DHA and the Aggie - and I like both, aaaarrrggghhh!

Well, the DHA is, essentially, just a valve amp in pedal form, so it sounds like it might do what you want.

One thing that I did find irritating about the DHA was the appearance. Not because I didn't like the finish---I did---but because it [i]looks[/i] like a homebrew job every time I used it live I'd have to spend five minutes convincing the venue's sound engineer that it wasn't going to blow up his PA / amp / whatever. It got to be a little tedious, in all honesty.

If I were you I'd probably decide by watching the classifieds and seeing which one turns up first :lol:

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[quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1360139277' post='1965287']
My thoughts are that if you like the vintage, "Ampegy", bass-frequencies-turn-into-a-fart-and-you-lose-you-note-attack type of OD then the VT1 is better. If you like tighter, more modern, keep-your-attack type drive then the Aguilar is the one to go for. Simples.

Just wanted to confirm that my words were not meant as an attack on the VT1. I would say exactly the same about an Ampeg SVT CL. I know a load of folks love that sort of sound. Just not for me.

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[quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1360153488' post='1965622']
Just wanted to confirm that my words were not meant as an attack on the VT1. I would say exactly the same about an Ampeg SVT CL. I know a load of folks love that sort of sound. Just not for me.

Yes, my heart is saying go for the VT1, but my head is saying Aggie. I love Ampeg sounds, but also love my Markbass, and don`t want to lose the Markbass sound, and think the Aggie will be better at retaining this.

Think Thomann will have to be used here, get the Aggie, if don`t like return it. Their 30 day policy is very good for instances like this.

Edited by Lozz196
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Lozz, I've got a VT1 Bass Drive that I'm not using just now. I don't want to sell it, but if you're interesting in borrowing it to try it out, drop me a pm. Its [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page26.html"]this one[/url].


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[quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1360183338' post='1966423']
Lozz, I've got a VT1 Bass Drive that I'm not using just now. I don't want to sell it, but if you're interesting in borrowing it to try it out, drop me a pm. Its [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page26.html"]this one[/url].


Hi Martin

That`s really kind of you, thanks very much for the offer. I did have one of those a while back, and recall it doing very well at the warmth/breakup bit. Whilst I`m very happy with my tone, I`m looking at options for getting the same tone from a DI/EQ pedal, for those instances when I use house-rigs, so the VT1-Bass Drive, whilst giving the warmth I`m after, won`t give me the EQ options I`m looking for.

But thanks again, it really is much appreciated.

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I have a DHA VT1 and would say it sounds nothing like an Ampeg...

Very good for bringing in that valve character and warmth, but more of an old skool sound. Mike Dirnt's sound is definitely acheivable with this pedal.

EDIT: Should mention mine is the DI/EQ version, not the Bass Drive.

Edited by Stan_da_man
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Update - got it today, and it does exactly what I wanted. A nice big warm fat sound, cleanish when hit regularly, but did in and the gain kicks in too. Plus, as stated in the manual, with the Colour switch selected, a bit of compression, so evens things out across the strings.

Very pleased with this :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1360843768' post='1977206']
Sometimes I wonder why I sold my VT2-EQ/DI...
I had a reason at the time, can't remember what...

Wonder if my ad says...
me too :( loving the VT1 Di/EQ though, so that's some consolation.

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