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Posted (edited)

[quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1361046114' post='1980410'] The End! [IMG]http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u426/roadrex/A%20Day%20In%20The%20Life/applause_456.gif[/IMG] [/quote] Don't they ever stop?

Edited by Jazzneck

[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361057756' post='1980602']
"Clap on! Clap off!"

If only it were that easy ...


This seems as good a thread as any:
Why are you called Bass Tractor?
Are basses and tractors your thing?
Do you play bass while operating heavy machinery? (I hope not)
Is your real name Robert, Hubert or Egbert?
If English is not your first language, please may I compliment you on your incredible grasp of it; you seem to be able to express yourself, whether it be humour or viewpoint, effortlessly.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361057756' post='1980602']
[size=4]If only it were that easy...[/size]

It would save on all those time-consuming trips to the clinic...

You could also be Albert, Norbert, Bertram, Bertrand, Burton, Herbert or Ethlebert. Given your continental origins you could also be Suitbert, Delbert, Gilbert, Berthold, Lambert, Wilbert, Englebert or Bert-Jan - i[size=4]f so, I claim my five pounds.[/size]

Edited by discreet

[quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1360972885' post='1979434']
Just watching the ARENA: Brian Epstein Story on BBC4 and had to chuckle at the Lennon quote when asked about what the Beatles thought about their music.....'we don't analyze it, its not worth it'.

Little did he know that, 50 years on, it would be everyone else still analysing their music.


[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361098527' post='1980920']
Little did he know that, 50 years on, it would be everyone else still analysing their music.
Yes. Exactly my point.


[quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1361112674' post='1981179']

No, not The Who.


Y'know, I was watching Leon; The Professional last night and was struck by how much the bloke in that looked like Pete Townshend. Knew it wouldn't end well when he let an underage girl into his apartment.

I did intend to contribute seriously to the thread as well but from reading the last page it seems to have gone a bit off the subject :lol:

Posted (edited)

What i find the strangest thing about this whole thread is that how serious this Beatles thing is. As someone who witnessed Beatlemania the one thing i do remember about it was that is was FUN.
No time then for po-faced crusaders telling you what to listen to. Just four blokes from Liverpool singing their songs and when interviewed were usually amusing and cracking jokes (usually at the interviewers expense).
When i used to go over to Twickenham Studios after school to get a glimpse of them (along with hundreds more school kids) during the filming of A Hard Days Night & Help we went because it was just a fun thing to do and a great time to be young. Nowadays if the same thing occurred you'd probably have a load of middle-aged studious types there with laptops rather than screaming kids.

Edited by BetaFunk

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361110748' post='1981140']
Bloody hell, 27 pages..? Good job no-one mentioned The Rolling Stones.

Er, didn't they chart in 1963 with "I Wanna Be Your Man" written by Lennon and McCartney who had something to do with The Beatles?


[quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1361116524' post='1981248']
...Lennon and McCartney, who had something to do with The Beatles?

Did they? I wouldn't know. Before my time. :D


[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1361085438' post='1980723']
Why are you called Bass Tractor?
Are basses and tractors your thing?
Do you play bass while operating heavy machinery? (I hope not)
Is your real name Robert, Hubert or Egbert?
If English is not your first language, please may I compliment you on your incredible grasp of it; you seem to be able to express yourself, whether it be humour or viewpoint, effortlessly.

Oh ... no!
Why these questions?
Is this really necessary? Diverting a perfectly nice and cuddly thread to talk about [b][i]moi[/i][/b]? Wouldn't it be more fitting and appropriate were I to get my own section on BC, where we could all talk about me into the low-numbered hours - - for days, weeks ... years on end?

OK then, under a lot of doubt.
- The name stuck after a funny episode while I worked on an agricultural school, where I drove the biggest, fastest tractors (50km/h was fast back then).
- Basses: very much so. Tractors: nope.
- Nope, but the bass does hide some of it.
- My real name is Bert, though you will find Albrecht in my birth certificate. My father calls me Albert. Discreet gets a fresh £4 note in the mail. I use HP, so you know it's good.
- Thank you very much. However, my English is far from as good as often believed, and it's not effortlessly, but takes a lot of time and a lot of effort, and I still miss the ball a lot. I've written about the hows and whys earlier. Had my English been better, I would not have gotten in so much trouble on the Apology to Bilbo thread. I'm not being coy here, or moaning. I'm simply dead serious.

Nice band, eh, The Beatles? Any stuff that you'd recommend I should start with to get to know them better? :lol:


Posted (edited)

[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361132772' post='1981667']
...My real name is Bert, though you will find Albrecht in my birth certificate.
My father calls me Albert. Discreet gets a fresh £4 note in the mail.

Albrecht! Dammit, that was the only one I didn't mention!! :lol:
Still, four quid's four quid. Ta.

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Edit: After [/size][/font][color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif][size=6][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Dürer, I take it?[/size][/font][/size][/font][/color]

Edited by discreet

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361133253' post='1981676']
four quid's four quid

You'll find Latin is banned from this site, as per the primary school rule.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361133253' post='1981676']
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]After [/size][/font][color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif][size=6][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Dürer, I take it?[/size][/font][/size][/font][/color]

Sadly not. After my grandmother. And a true story it is too! :D


[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361134220' post='1981702']
You'll find Latin is banned from this site, as per the primary school rule.

Meh. [i]Stercus accidit.[/i]


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361134449' post='1981711']
Meh. [i]Stercus accidit.[/i]
oh god, that's just reminded me of a scene from Withnail and I with the peeving old man and Mr Grant leching over the other... *brrr* :(


[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1361132772' post='1981667']
My real name is Bert, though you will find Albrecht in my birth certificate. My father calls me Albert.

So you're not The Walrus or Dr. Robert then?
Oh dear, Ho Hum..........slumps away , head down, disappointed :( but mightily impressed at Bert's English, openess and great humour :D .


[quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1361134841' post='1981719']
So you're not The Walrus or Dr. Robert then?
Oh dear, Ho Hum..........slumps away , head down, disappointed :( but mightily impressed at Bert's English, openess and great humour :D .

Sorry, mate. I am merely a walrus, and threw away my plans of changing the name to Robert years ... no, decades ago.

You won't be as impressed anymore when I've told you there's two "n"s in "openness", your stupid grammar nazi victim! :lol:


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