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Greetings from Sweden


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Hi everyone! I'm new to the site, I'm new to the bass. Can't say I played anything else either, except CDs of course.

Why did I pick the bass then? Because it is an instrument greatly responsible for the drive and feel of the music, the life if you will. Because it's an instrument that no everyone plays and because I can fit my thick fingers much more easily than on a guitar :-)

When it comes to playing I consider my self an absolute newbie, and one with no more than average talent. I don't want to lock myself in on one specific musical style, but I want to learn at least the basics of it all.

In addition I am a natural born gear head. So why haven't I bought an excellent bass with an EBS Fafner II and huge/loud cab with it? Well, as I mention I am a newbie and I couldn't at this point really motivate that, not even to myself. Planning an EBS Classic Session 60 though instead of the small embarrassing guitar amp I am hooked up to now.

Off to teach my left hand what the right hand is doing. Cheers!

/ The Swede

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Hej Svenskan!

Välkommen till PrataBass.uk! Hoppas du vill ha det träveligt och roligt här.
(Well that's enough of attempt from me aw'rite. I'm sure it's all wrong despite my best effort. From here on: Anglaise!)

Welcome to the wonderful world of the bass guitar, and the almost wonderful world of BC.

Nice call on the EBS. I'm sure many here would want some of those. I know I do. I notice you already have both an Attitude and a Classic Vibe. Yup! You're a gear head. BC will only feed your addiction, so flee the premises while you still can.

Enjoy the site's info, discussion and banter!

all thä bäst,

Edited by BassTractor
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Hei hei Traktorn! It's funny I always think of Swedish and Norweigan as being very close as languages, but I can't write a proper sentence in Norweigan, so... anglais. I first bought the Attitude used, but it turned out to have a huge personality and be a bit more difficult to handle than I had hoped for, hence the Squier. We can say I have been playing for about a week with a properly working bass, so I'm not quite ready to pick up the mantle after Pastorius just yet.... I think the EBS will be great, and not desperately expensive either. Thanks for making me feel welcome and cared for :-) Where in Norway is Sögne anyway?

Risingson, thanks man. So who do you gig with on your Swedish tours? :-)

Thanks Skank, always a good idea to start with the bass-ics, right? :-)

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From what I've learnt here on BC, Squier had some old series that were amazing, and these days the Vintage Modified and Classic Vibe series are in high regard. The Bronco and Affinity less so.
Someone on here wrote along the lines of: Buy CV unseen, and VM after having checked it. Good enough for me, and I bought some unseen CVs.
BTW, it's nice to see that someone can actually write "Squier". :) ;)

Be careful with the mantle indeed. Pistorius certainly has the chops, but look how he used them. (I guess it's old, but I couldn't resist.)

Yeah, Risingson, and do you gig in Norway as well?

bert (near Kristiansand in the South)

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Bert, I hate to be picky but Pistorius is the South African amputee runner. Pastorius was the Floridan bass genius with bi-polar disorder. :-)

I read your comment on another introduction message about doing things slowly and doing them right. I will take that to my heart and I have heard it from other sources as well. It also fits with my philosophy, if you do it fast but wrong, did you really do it at all?

/ Håkan - Gothenburg, along the E6 towards Oslo

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[quote name='BassSwede' timestamp='1362955276' post='2006824']

[i][b]Chops[/b][/i]! :lol: :o :ph34r: I said I couldn't resist ... :) BTW, Pastorius was one of the main reasons I try to play bass now.

Göteborg? Cool, but alas too far for coffee. Let's wave at each other instead, eh? A friend of mine lives in Höganäs, and my car's in Uddevalla with a broken motor, so I've experienced the area. :) + :(


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Hi BassSwede

& welcome to this forum !

beginner, intermediate, advanced, who cares ? as long as you're loving it....

one day every bass player all over the world will pluck a note simultaneously & the planet WILL rock like it never did before, then as we walk past, people will comment : ''oh, he's a bass player, you know !?...'' LOL

have fun ;-)

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