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Hartke Bass Attack - how best to use?


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Good morning all

I'm hoping some kind person can give me a steer on this. I've just bought a Hartke box from another kind Basschatter and am now looking for the best way to use it. I've seen the couple of examples in the user's guide but there are a couple of things I'm not clear about.

Firstly, exactly what is a balanced output as opposed to, presumably, an unbalanced output (wouldn't it be great if the opposite was unhinged! :huh: )?

Can you plug the balanced output into an amp?

And finally I notice that a number of you good folk have the HBA pedal last in the chain - is this the best way to string pedals together. My modest collection is a tuner, an octaver, a distortion pedal and a chorus/flanger. In the Hartke guide it gives an example of creating an effects loop around the Hartke pedal but this only leaves the balanced output to go anywhere hence the question above.

I would really appreciate any views, advice, experiences etc that you people can share with me. :)

Many thanks

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The balanced out is for plugging straight into a PA or recording mixer.

The unbalaned out is for connecting to your amp.

Not sure about placement - I'd say distortion/drive wants to be early in the chain, but DI at the end.

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I own a VXL, too.

The balanced output (marked Direct Output on the pedal) is of the "male" Canon/XLR type, and is mainly used to feed mixing desks in either a Studio or live situation. It's quite a clean and noise-free unit, too.
If the mixing desk can deliver 48v phantom power, it can be used to power the VXL without having to use a 9v battery or power adaptor.
I've used the VXL as a Pre-amp to directly drive a power amp. It's a bit dependent on the power amp's input sensitivity, though, as the VXL doesn't deliver that hot a signal via the DI.
Units such as the MXR M80 have a switch to increase the output for use in this manner.

I use mine to feed a small mixer at home for practice purposes (via headphones with an MP3 mixed in)

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one of my main regular gigs is an ampless/ straight to desk with IEM's.
i use the vxl as my 'amp' and therefore last in the chain utilising the DI out.
my other effects go before as you would if using a physical amp. My chain runs: wireless - boss tu2- EHX micro Q tron - MXR blowtorch - Dod bass grunge - boss HM2 - weeping demon wah -Boss CEB3 - Dod Meatbox - Loop (most likely to contain a marshall echohead or Dod stereo bass flanger) and then the vxl / di

hope this helps / makes sense!

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