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EBS Microbass


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Anyone using one of these?

On my eternal quest for a DI where I can get approximately the sound I get from my Markbass amp, and having had:

Sansamp, MXR M80, Behringer BDI21, DHA VT1-EQ, and Aguilar Tone Hammer

Am just wondering if the EBS may do it. All of the pedals above are very good, but they are all too warm in comparison to the tone I`m looking for. I did have the Markbass Super-Booster, but that only has the filters and not the actual EQ. So I can`t get what I want from that either.

So opinions please peoples, are EBS and Markbass comparable in tone? The youtube vids of this concentrate on adding mids, whereas I want the exact opposite, so have nothing to form an opinion.

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[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1363823673' post='2018359']
Sansamp, MXR M80, Behringer BDI21, DHA VT1-EQ, and Aguilar Tone Hammer...

Crikey Lozz, you're the go-to guy for valve-sim info and no mistake!

Have you tried a B3? The MarkB amp sim is very much like a MarkB amp... with bells on. :)
I'm loving my DHA VT1-EQ, but I'm missing my B3 greatly and will have to get another!
That thing covers a LOT of ground and it does things no other box will do!

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Hey Mark, the B3 - who makes it, it`s got to be worth checking out if there`s a Markbass sim on it.

Edit - just seen the Zoom B3 which has this on, so assume that`s it. Looks worth checking out, reckon that will give me what I want.

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The FX presets are all a bit naff, but the cab and amp sims and the compressor, EQ and Sansamp sims etc, are fantastic. Time spent with this thing is a great investment! :)

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The Microbass EQ is pretty flexible. The enhanced filter button lets the treble control scoop out mids at the same time as boosting the treble, a bit like the Markbass VPF. You can also link both channels A+B to get bass, treble (with enhanced filter) and a semi parametric mid control. It's completely clean sounding unless you turn up the drive control or valve sim.

I do sometimes miss not being able to tweak the treble frequency - it's set quite high for my taste. But on the whole it's a very useful pedal to have - I've used it way more than I thought I would.

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