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Suggestions for airplay & contacting DJs (alt rock)


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Hopefully this isn't breaking any sort of forum protocol...

My band has a new EP out next month (yay!) and we're all mucking in with the pre-release activity, shipping promo CDs etc.Its an alternative/slightly punky sort of thing - so not really expecting mainstream airplay. But there must be many many club nights / radio shows that routinely cover this sort of music...

[b]Can anyone please suggest any DJs, reviewers etc that we should contact?[/b] Or even better - do you have a contact list / emails etc you could share with me (via PM if appropriate)?

The release is on 20th April (global record store day), and the title [url="https://soundcloud.com/bonesparkrider"]track[/url] is all about the love of pokey record shops. A nice tie in, we thought. But actually drumming up the publicity is challenging.

Any suggestions much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!!

(do we have some kind of industry contacts list on here? if not would be a great resource!)

Edited by BluRay
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